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MistahBoweh t1_is0ocup wrote

The boy said, “My name’s Johnny, and it might be a sin, but I’ll represent your ass in court and you bet we’re gonna win.”


G1ZM0_ t1_is0k4qf wrote

I’m convinced Fritz Wetherbee is the only person keeping us all alive at this point.


SheeEttin t1_is09z75 wrote

Strictly speaking, Satan's Kingdom is just over the border in Massachusetts.


the_ricktacular_mort t1_is0ega4 wrote

Yeah but he keeps a summer home in Winnipesaukee (for tax reasons)


golfgrandslam t1_is12vfj wrote

You can literally see hell on Friday afternoon on the highway in the summer as the devil migrates to his summer home


FaustusC t1_is0nams wrote

Like half of Massachusetts.


Consistent-Winter-67 t1_is3m5cp wrote

As a Mass resident, I'll have you know we have second homes in all of the new England states. Especially Maine.


ShortUSA t1_is45qvq wrote

The NH folks are just pissy because they sit in traffic every weeknight coming home from their good paying MA jobs. The last thing they need on Friday is MA people coming up to their second homes in NH.


SolitudeNH t1_is0jh3d wrote

Yeah Suck it Georgia!


DeathfireD t1_irzoapd wrote

I think we all know the Devil went down to Georgia though. *whips out fiddle*


SinisterMeatball t1_is031w9 wrote

Damn snow bird.


BloodySox t1_is1t145 wrote

He only bought a house in Georgia because he was in a bind, way behind, and needed to make a deal. Otherwise, he would've gone to Florida like everyone else.


PebblyJackGlasscock t1_is045va wrote

Satan is a good neighbor. Sure, one of his dogs leaves a steaming pile of hell on my side yard every once and awhile but shit happens, right? He also helps clear my driveway after snowstorms, has the raddest Halloween decorations, and hosts great parties with lots of famous people.

Good dude. Really embodies the “live free or die” motto.


Hoops867 t1_is0s6w9 wrote

Wait, am I Satan? I've got all that besides parties with famous people.


Dadtakesthebait t1_is08vqe wrote

Yeah, he’s the one paying for all those political ads.


devildogmillman t1_is0ywj0 wrote

Puritains in Salem and Plymouth looking north at the newly established haven for sailors and fugitives.


oswald_dimbulb t1_is16k58 wrote

In case anyone is curious, I found the doc that this is referencing here.


SeekingTheRoad t1_is1p8d4 wrote

Actually, according to the very last line of The Devil and Daniel Webster: “But they say that whenever the devil comes near Marshfield, even now, he gives it a wide berth. And he hasn't been seen in the state of New Hampshire from that day to this. I'm not talking about Massachusetts or Vermont.”

So while he was present in the state for the trial in question after Daniel Webster kicked his butt he stays far far away.

It’s a great short story, I recommend it to all.


Stickyfynger t1_is31am4 wrote

Could explain all those unsolved murders WMUR highlights in the morning. The sheer number of female victims is staggering…some of these cold cases are 50 years old. Crazy to think…


glockster19m t1_is3aghe wrote

Crazier to think that we have less unsolved murders than nearly every other state in the continental US

For nearly every other state the list is even longer


iefbr14 t1_is20927 wrote

In The Devil and Daniel Webster, Mr. Scratch denies he is a foreign prince, and says while neither a Southerner nor a Northerner, he is merely an honest American. Since Satan hasn't been seen in New Hampshire since that trial, Judge Weber's conclusion that he might be found in New Hampshire, isn't supported by the facts.


fins4ever t1_iscub2g wrote

Gotta get a political ad now claiming Maggie Hassan is harboring him in her basement


a1234321 t1_is6f3tr wrote

I've read something about this before. Something about some fundy religious group trying to get people to move to NH because we're super unreligious.