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vexingsilence t1_ito4ped wrote

>We do not try to prevent people from accessing the pond. When the access license came up for renewal with the town, the BOS suggested a gate and key to help prevent milfoil and other invasive species.

How is it public if there's a locked gate?


BenThere20 t1_ito5op8 wrote

I suppose everyone will have a key except the milfoil.


nixstyx t1_itpq1pc wrote

Not only is it locked, the entire street is posted no parking. So, even if you wanted to walk around the gate, you'd have to park in the next town. It's closed to the public. Hard stop.


No_Response7182 t1_ito5u57 wrote

There are keys that can be picked up at the police station.


Equivalent-Stage9957 t1_itou6vu wrote

That seems like a fake version of public to me


Tullyswimmer t1_itpdj8n wrote

Right? Her statement is like "yeah, we kind of made an oopsie and now it's basically our private boat launch but it's technically public, because if you want to go to a ton of extra hassle that didn't exist before our kind-of-oopsie, you can still get to it. We're not going back to it just being open though, still gated like the community I live in"


MusicPsychFitness t1_itpe2j5 wrote

Likely a gate to limit boating access which pedestrians can walk around. If boaters want a key, they’d have to make sure their boat is clean so as not to infect the pond with invasive species.