Truthislife13 t1_iujlsdu wrote
I’m wondering if anyone who makes the claim about litter boxes in public schools actually knows the origin of the claim? If not, then I find it alarming that they repeat the claim without having any evidence whatsoever that it is true.
WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY t1_iujm16a wrote
I said that about trump once and I was very very wrong.
RickyDaytonaJr t1_iujmbwm wrote
Trump lost NH in both 2016 and 2020, so his election wasn’t our fault.
Peeeculiar t1_iujn3mf wrote
Or "how to get some of the more moderate Republicans and undecided voters to opt for Maggie Hassan."
FreezingRobot t1_iujnntm wrote
Loving the fact he's waiting until almost literally the last second to endorse these people, so the headlines won't be "Idiot Trump endorsed is 10% behind the incumbent".
valleyman02 t1_iujr449 wrote
What this evidence you speak of. We don't need no stinking evidence.
Jack_Jacques t1_iujtpx3 wrote
Are children?
Must have spent too much time in the litter box.
[deleted] t1_iujtsb6 wrote
Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iujyxc6 wrote
As long as the Dems lose I don't care
EVoltage1 t1_iujz286 wrote
Cool, I'll be sure to thank you when Republicans just stop holding elections and claim they have absolute power. 👍
petergriffin999 t1_iuk04wx wrote
George Clooney has entered the chat
Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iuk2wry wrote
You are a deluded, brainwashed fool if you believe that. Which is another reason why the dems need to get out
EVoltage1 t1_iuk2zfd wrote
EVoltage1 t1_iuk3283 wrote
And hershell walker is a stand up guy too 🤣🤣
RickyDaytonaJr t1_iujl2kh wrote
I’m looking forward to 8 days from now when I can once again forget that Don Bolduc exists.