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5nd t1_iu3srbm wrote

I mean, uterus. Women are built to make babies biologically.


WapsuSisilija t1_iu4015z wrote



5nd t1_iu490no wrote

I don't know what to say if you are denying that one of the things women's bodies are capable of and built for is to produce offspring.

It's plain denial of reality.


Solid_Information_66 t1_iu5hvas wrote

Women were designed to have babies, but to say in this day and age that that is out sole purpose for existence is pure insanity. Nobodies existence should be seen solely "to make babies".


5nd t1_iu5pj17 wrote

Nobody ever said it was the sole purpose you illiterate.


Solid_Information_66 t1_iu87942 wrote

Nobody...except Karoline Leavitt.

Also when you end a statement like that, you come off as being illiterate. Like when a person who doesn't know what they're talking about just sort of trails off in the middle of a sentence.


baxterstate t1_iu4beu2 wrote

It is misogynistic to say that. Just like questioning or even reporting on John Fetterman’s cognitive and communication abilities is Ableism.
