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exhaustedretailwench t1_jbfoim5 wrote

pronouns are just a particle of speech to substitute for a noun, noun-phrase, or proper-noun.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbfzclw wrote

if that were true then there would never be offense, outrage, cancellation, legal action, criminal charges etc for the claimed wrong usage.


1carus_x t1_jbg54tc wrote

Have you never heard of harassment or hate speech?


CheliceraeJones t1_jbg3ax1 wrote

Come on guys, stop bullying u/RedLeafRoy. She's upset and we should respect her opinion on pronouns.


RedLeafRoy t1_jbg3ijl wrote

I'm not upset. Some of it is an interesting exchange.


CheliceraeJones t1_jbg5630 wrote

I'm sorry, that was terribly chauvinistic of me to swoop in like a white knight to defend m'lady's honor. You're a grown woman and you can defend yourself. Also happy Women's Day!