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akmjolnir t1_je4h516 wrote

What sort of hobbies/interests do you have?


TubbleRubble OP t1_je4szve wrote

Both my boyfriend and I have a lot...

We love gaming, reading, hiking, breweries, driving, exploring, etc.

Basically we're looking for stuff to do on our weekends


akmjolnir t1_je4x4kd wrote

Check out Poor Thom's Tavern in Meriden. Really good food, and there's a game night there once a week. The outdoor seating will be opening up soon.

Harpoon Brewery & stuff in one location across the river in Windsor, VT. Keep heading down Rt. 5, and turn up Rt. 44/44A to go explore Ascutney state park.

Get some kayaks and explore the CT river between the Wilder Dam (Hanover side has access) all the way down to Bellows Falls, VT, with lots of river access along the way. (Getting out in Cornish before the big covered bridge would be a long trip down the river, with a stop at Sumner Falls).

There's a couple places in Claremont for food/beer: Ramunto's, The Common Man, Tavern on the Square, Daddy's... nothing world class, but decent enough to throw in the mix.

Head down Rt.12 to Keene and stop at Summit Winery for some nice samples.

To the east there's Lake Sunapee and Mt. Sunapee, which has some fun exploring. A little further is Mt. Kearsarge for hiking.

There's a lot more to do, you just need to ask, or poke around.


LeftBoobi t1_jec7dhq wrote

Make sure to hike Mount Cardigan in Orange, NH! Great views of the Upper Valley