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adam5isalive t1_jbembtc wrote

Privatize the schools and these sorts of things stop being an issue, you could just move your kid to a school that isn't garbage.


nhmo t1_jbeu5q1 wrote

Public education is literally one of the greatest developments the United States created and championed in the world.

Y'all calling for privatization of schools are unAmerican and can go get bent.


adam5isalive t1_jbfzov1 wrote

I'd also like to privatize the post office.


averageduder t1_jbh52zv wrote

Odd position to have for one of the most rural states in the country.


adam5isalive t1_jbh686a wrote

UPS, FedEX, DHL, Amazon, Bob's Backyard Mail Service, etc etc. We don't need the USPS, it's a huge waste of money for terrible service.


averageduder t1_jbh8ggu wrote

How do you think deliveries to extreme rural America work?

You realize that not only would these be more expensive in many cases, but they just flat out wouldn't deliver to rural areas as there is little to no profit to be had in it.


adam5isalive t1_jbjqtf6 wrote

So what if it's more expensive for rural communities? They're the ones living out there, let them bear the cost of choosing to live out in the boonies.


averageduder t1_jblbkp1 wrote

ok, first, there's no poltiican anywhere that is going to have that stance, second, that's the entire point of having a society. Some parts of society subsidize other portions. It makes it easier and cheaper for everyone.


fraulein_nh t1_jbkhjky wrote

There are plenty of private schools to attend. That is always a parental choice. You can also educate your children at home in accordance with your values. Literally no one is stopping you.