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Tullyswimmer t1_jdxm75z wrote

No, you're smelling the asphalt plant. They've fought HARD against any sort of mitigation by blaming it on the landfill. But anyone who's been around concrete and asphalt plants knows what they smell like.


cwalton505 t1_jdxmknv wrote

My hometown has a old closed and capped llandfill, at also has a concrete plant about 8 miles away. One of them stinks like sulfurous eggs pooped out of satans ass. Guess which one?

The landfill.


picklehaub t1_jdxtclc wrote

It’s definitely Pike/Carroll, the dump before the City installed the waste gas burners was 30X worse ( I mean like get out of you car and start heaving on the worst days).


Tullyswimmer t1_jdy4re9 wrote

Oh yeah, I'm sure. And even capped landfills do smell. But the smell of concrete and asphalt production is VERY distinct if you know it.