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bfruth628 t1_jb53zvd wrote

Whatsup with that? I see tracks everywhere in general but hardly any trains


Dux_Ignobilis t1_jb5ofdh wrote

NH was covered in rail until the 1930s. Literally my hometown of Weare had 7 stations itself. Then we had a huge hurricane as well as a huge flood in 1936/1938 that destroyed a lot of the infrastructure. Fast forward to WWII, wartime economy didn't focus on rebuilding this infrastructure and some of the metal from rails was used for the war effort. Followed by federally mandated floodzones and new dams that destroyed even more rail. So between 1936-1960s NH gutted a lot of its rail. Now we have conservative nimbys who pretend we never had rail and have bogus arguments for why it's not needed or helpful in the state.


ShortUSA t1_jb7783n wrote

The entire country was covered in rail. It was left to die by less efficient trucking and airlines.