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ThtJstHappn3d t1_jeeuf2m wrote

NH is great for a lot of reasons. If you’re going to UNH, you’re in proximity to a lot of great areas and have pretty easy access to getting to Boston. The fishing in NH is incredibly underrated, the striped bass are already making their way up here, it’s a great way to take everything in. Portsmouth has a lot of great bars and cool things to see, as well as making your way up north to Conway or places like that.

A “negative” as a former UNH student is that NH itself doesnt have a lot of the things that we as young adults might want to do, but like I said Boston is but a train ride away. I spent way too much money on Celtics and Bruins tickets simply because I could go.

Everywhere is great to go and visit, but I’d be hard pressed to find an area I’d be happier living in. Live Free or Die