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KarlLexington t1_ja99wep wrote

I love that one can occasionally have these experiences of seeing our political leaders in the wild in New Hampshire, even if you might disagree with them.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_ja9eido wrote

he’s a good guy, he would have my vote on national level


[deleted] t1_ja9hnai wrote



Wide_Television_7074 t1_ja9ygsa wrote

vaccination was politicized when states began to mandate the Covid shots, Sununu didn’t politicize it. stop the fear mongering over Covid, we are all over it.


[deleted] t1_jaa5fv3 wrote



meatball-ok t1_jabp066 wrote

Hmmm... a teacher lacking critical thinking skills. Not supporting Sununu here, or you, but your bubble is very very small. Turn off the TV, get off face book, drop a little acid. You can do better.


Olefartnewhampsha t1_ja9wnq5 wrote

Perspective …. One of the very highest approval ratings in our nation. Glad he’s around, sad to lose him to the presidency.


DareMe603 OP t1_ja90u4d wrote

Please, tell me how you really feel. Lol


KrissaKray t1_ja92grw wrote

It's cool. Don't let the braindead lefties on this sub get you down. They're just mad about their weed still being illegal.


sledbelly t1_ja98frj wrote

No ones really mad about it. Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts have taken care of the market.

It’s the braindead righties who complain that there’s not enough money but don’t do anything to bring money into the state


UncleRicosWig t1_jab8fpu wrote

Pretty fukn dumb that NH hasn’t legalized it. One can argue a state like Maine has just as many or more freedoms as the ‘Live Free or Die’ state


KrissaKray t1_jab8i4e wrote

What are y’all gonna cry about once it’s legalized?


UncleRicosWig t1_jab9t3u wrote

Either you’re an uptight Christian conservative, or ignorant on the subject. They both overlap


KrissaKray t1_jab9x74 wrote

No, it’s just I literally do not care and the fact that it’s 80% of this sub is both tiring and ridiculous. We get it. You like weed. Can we do like maple trees and wild animals instead please? Thanks lol


BrianOKaneMaximumFun t1_jaajhok wrote

I'm a right winger and I support legalization. And Sununu is a tyrant.


KrissaKray t1_jaara7l wrote

Literally everyone in govt is a tyrant what’s your point? Y’all get so bent out of shape over one thing 😂 maybe don’t let your lives hinge on it or just do it and don’t get caught. And. Awayyyyy you go!


seanwalter54321 t1_jaald89 wrote

These comments just prove the majority of NH isn’t in this sub. Governor with a high approval rating gets totally shit on in this sub. I would assume half this sub is made up of people from eastern MA who just hate anything that’s not super progressive bs.


MethBearBestBear t1_jab0o3v wrote

Sununu is not popular amount younger voters and reddit in general is more progressive. The majority of NH under 50 is represented here. Sununu has been consistently losing more and more support over the past few years

Sincerely, A 31 year old born and raised New Hampshirite

Also a 5 day old troll account from a salty MA transplant bitching about NH voters....classy haha


seanwalter54321 t1_jac2zcn wrote

I’m not bitching about the majority of NH voters. I’m bitching about the people in this sub, a fringe minority.


MethBearBestBear t1_jac75gx wrote

What I'm saying is the people in this sub ARE the majority for the under 50 vote...


DareMe603 OP t1_jaau8q2 wrote

To me it's like a bunch of people profiling other people by the book cover. Both sides of the government caused that.


UncleRicosWig t1_jab8rm0 wrote

In other news: Mr Puzza in Gorham is closed, looks like due to construction. When it Re opens, will it be Me Puzza, or something else?


eyehunt2 t1_jac31mc wrote

I met him at a yard sale in Newfields a couple years ago, he’s just a good guy, and a good dad.


granitestate420 t1_jacb2kr wrote

Bet he ate his family's leftover fries...


quaffee t1_ja8ps5m wrote

He's just a regular fAmiLy MaN


RiverGreen7535 t1_ja8u6je wrote

What's he looking at? The cheesy tot that fell off the plate?!

"Mmmmmm cheesey tooooott!"


Wiked_Pissah t1_ja9g7bu wrote

Yep, that would be reason enough for me to not go there.


smartest_kobold t1_jaacyl1 wrote

Either confront shitty politicians in public or leave them alone. This is weird.


JacktheBoss_ t1_ja9cjwr wrote

Ask him where the legalized weed is and tell him how worthless he is.


KarlLexington t1_ja9nfx2 wrote

Pretty unfair. Although he's has expressed skepticism on the matter, he's not outright rejected the idea, unlike the last two (Dem) governors who have both rejected the idea outright. He's never had an opportunity to officially weigh in on the matter, since it gets killed in the Senate ever year. Rumor is he'll support it if it gets to his desk.


sledbelly t1_ja9r5j8 wrote


KarlLexington t1_jaaxtxd wrote

He's toned down his rhetoric considerably since then. I believe he'll sign it, but gripe about it while doing so, or perhaps let it become law without his signature.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_ja8kc44 wrote

Did you just put a picture of your child on this forum? I would take that down if I were you. Do you know about Reddit? It’s not a good place


SOMANYBANS t1_ja8l35x wrote

Jesus fucking christ man, you need to relax