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Intru t1_j9ndhdx wrote

Here's a bit more on the project details so far: City Partnering in Design and Operation of Childcare Facility


DeerFlyHater t1_j9os77f wrote

This sounds like a big win for the city. It is certainly something that is needed and providing competitive child care rates may force the private centers in the area to lower theirs.

I'd be curious about two things:

How will they meet their stated goal of at least 51% of the children coming from low to moderate income? IMO a copy of a 1040 would be decent proof, but is the city willing to go that far.

Also, how will this be funded?


Intru t1_j9oy7v7 wrote

>The City will seek grants and donations to fund the capital costs.
>For more information or questions, please contact the City Manager's Office at or 603-448-4220.


Intru t1_j9oyzcs wrote

Full disclosure I am a member of the Placework design team. It's very early in the pre-design phase of the project so a lot of questions are still being answered and a lot more need to be asked. But I've never seen the level of commitment from a municipality on a similar project like I've seen so far here. I can't speak to funding, that would have to go through the city manager.