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Elpundit t1_j78qpaj wrote

You could start a fire with the reflection.


Nydelok t1_j78swv0 wrote

I was gonna argue, but then remembered I was out walking yesterday in my sweater and jeans with the 15mph winds

Yeah, I’m in this post and I don’t like it


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j7aefei wrote

Seriously, I haven't seen my schlong in 2 days working outside in this. He is apparently smarter than I am. The hell with Groundhog day, I will tell you tomorrow if we have an early spring coming. Lol!


wheeelchairassassins t1_j7be2m2 wrote

Needs cargo shorts. And that does not appear to be a Sox or Pats hat. Or a woman taking the trash out to the shed in uggs, pajama pants and a bathrobe.


Oldphile t1_j79dgu8 wrote

I hope he put on sunscreen.


lostinnhwoods t1_j7bjakt wrote

New Englander all my life. Going on 57 years. The weathermen don’t scare me.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j7c05fy wrote

Lol I know it's pandery but it's so true in any area that has huge temp swings.

I took my dog out earlier and was like damn is it 50 out? It was 34