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Racer_Bait t1_j8uo7h6 wrote

I’ve done a ton on riding on roads all around Manchester (outside the city in all directions). It’s pretty easy to find non 50 mph roads that are pretty good. Good rail trails out both east and west too. FOMBA (near Massabesic) is some gnarly singletrack (at least for this roadie) and bear brook a little to the north has some of everything: flowy, gnarly, climbs, double track/dirt roads. There’s a big network of snowmobile trails all around too and some are nice and some tough on a bike. Nice gravel loop (and some fire roads) at tower hill pond. Lots of good MTB trails in Bow (to the north) as well.

It’s not crazy like Boston suburbs with a ton of other riders, but on the road I’ll always pass a few other riders. Lots more will be on the trails I mentioned.