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hermansupreme t1_j9h5hhg wrote

Interesting reddit name.


wheeelchairassassins t1_j9htpgr wrote

Imaginary internet points if you know the origin.


hermansupreme t1_j9jk62c wrote

☹️ I do not know. No points for me. My spouse is paraplegic and we have joked about them becoming an assassin so I thought it was funny/ironic.


wheeelchairassassins t1_j9phlqu wrote

Hah! Well, that's pretty good - too.

I shall enlighten - it's from the book "Infinite Jest". Quick blurb from its wiki (it's pretty funny, I think).

>Les Assassins en Fauteuils Roulants (A.F.R.), known in English as the Wheelchair Assassins, are a Quebecois separatist group.... The A.F.R. has its roots in a childhood game in which miners' sons line up alongside a train track and compete to be the last one to jump across the path of an oncoming train, an activity in which many were killed or maimed.

The group is one of many separatist groups that are all trying to get their hands on "Infinite Jest"

>...the missing master copy of a film cartridge, titled Infinite Jest and referred to in the novel as "the Entertainment" or "the samizdat". The film is so entertaining to its viewers that they become lifeless, losing all interest in anything other than endless viewings of the film. Quebec separatists are interested in acquiring a Master, redistributable copy of the work.

...The book is a bajillion pages, it took me like 5 attempts over several years before making it through, it doesn't make sense 47% of the time, there is no real ending or resolution and it's fucking brilliant.

There is a herd of feral hamsters that roams New England, which is now part of Quebec. If I were in that universe, I 100% would be one of the Wheelchair Assassins, or the AFR. I'd attempt to explain the plot, but there is none, really, because it's just about life and life has no point - it's just a never-ending joke....thus, the Infinite Jest.

If you ever really want to get brave and settle in for a 981 pg (single-spaced, size 10 typeface) book that will twist your brain into pretzels trying to figure out what the fuck is happening, all the while laughing wildly at what is happening because it's all so outrageously absurd - I highly recommend! Honestly, though, it's a War and Peace kind of book. Everyone wants to, many try, few succeed. I'm not sure how I am one. Seriously. Anyway....That's the Wheelchair Assassins. :)