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DemonicFluffyMog t1_j6i15i5 wrote

It's not a "chuckle at the Father Ted style wry Irish humour" comedy. It's a bleak "The moments of gallows humour serve to briefly, and artificially, raise your sensibility from total despair, only to allow it to be smashed down again, much in the way that a bare knuckle boxer might pick his downed opponent up by the hair, so that he can smash his skull back down into the canvas once again" kind of humour. If that sounds like it will cheer up your friend, then good luck.


derfiese123 OP t1_j6i1o7m wrote

oh man, did they misadvertise it that bad or am i just an idiot? definitely should have checked sooner if it's an appropriate movie. thanks for making it clear!


DemonicFluffyMog t1_j6i2aoa wrote

It's not your fault. It's funny in exactly the same way that the Irish Civil War is funny. And for the exact same reason (e.g. you need a deep black vein of humour at human unreason to laugh at it)