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AlphonzInc t1_j59k7f9 wrote

I think it’s easy to say you would never commit suicide, but I’ve seen first hand how bad people’s lives can get. Great if you’ve never felt suicidal, but just know that those kinds of feelings can happen to anyone.


60sstuff t1_j59lb2x wrote

Sounds odd but part of the joy and sorrow of coming into adulthood is that you feel more. I remember when I first watched it as a teen who liked fallout and thought it was pretty good. But watching it as an adult the final scene was heavy


No_Painter9904 t1_j59hzh3 wrote

The road? Scary?

Sad maybe but idk about scary. We watch the same film lol


AlphonzInc t1_j59jyxp wrote

It’s one of the most stressful movies I’ve ever watched, so kind of scary in that way.


No_Painter9904 t1_j59khbb wrote

Damn these are odd feelings y’all are throwing my way lol. I might need to watch it again


deshudiosh t1_j59jspw wrote

The only bad thing about it is the false glimpse of hope in the end.

There should be absolutely no hope in post global nuclear war world.

It's also a story about the idea of having s nonsensical goal - that may keep you going for some time, but ultimately will be a huge disappointment when you reach it.


Ok_Astronomer_8359 t1_j59hbwa wrote

I've been thinking about it since all the BS about the Last of US and how The Road is far superior.


Langerbanger12 t1_j59i35i wrote

Exactly why I watched it. Been on a doomsday kick since watching the series and even playing the game