Submitted by GodofWar1234 t3_zpe4rn in movies

I’m watching Battle: Los Angeles right now and it makes me wish that we had a completely independent, fresh zombie movie that’s “realistic”, grounded, and actually shows the military being competent using actual tactics and strategies (e.g. no one is putting their M16s and M4s on burst/automatic unless they’re putting down suppressive fire).

Obviously in a real life scenario we would absolutely fuck up the zombies but I would love for someone in Hollywood to make a movie where the military isn’t portrayed as either a bunch of brainless pussies who forgot how to shoot or sadistic genocidal assholes looking to rape and pillage whatever they see. A competent fireteam of Marines doing MOUT operations in a zombie apocalypse with similar vibes to Battle: LA would be my kind of movie.



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