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FxHVivious t1_j17clt1 wrote

Love and Thunder was not good, and it's def the worst thing Waititi's done, but it doesn't even begin to compare to WW84. I can't even remember the last movie I saw that was as bad as that dumbster fire.


BillFireCrotchWalton t1_j17qxrc wrote

It's so weird how it's this talking point now that Taika is washed up because of Thor 4. It's definitely the worst thing he has ever made, but there are legendary filmmakers who have had bigger duds. 99.9% of filmmakers have had multiple films worse than Thor 4.


FxHVivious t1_j17rltr wrote

Agreed. Everyone who's ever made a movie has at least one bad one. It's stupid to suddenly assume he's a hack because he had one kinda crappy movie.

Same for Patty Jenkins frankly. She doesn't have as many wins in her column as Waititi, and WW84 was way worse, but she could knock it out of the park on her next project.


well_damm t1_j18o8g6 wrote

Patty Jenkins had zero wins in her column. I still don’t understand why she was allowed for WW. The first one was mediocre too.


FxHVivious t1_j19pt09 wrote

I thought the first WW was good. Yeah it was equivalent to one of the middling Marvel movies, but compared to the rest of the DC movies that's a fucking homerun.

Ans didn't she do Monster? I never saw it, but I thought it was suppose to be good.


cosmicmanNova t1_j1ffn23 wrote

Charlize Theron won an award for Monster. Obviously, they wanted a female director so they went with her.


crashbandicoochy t1_j17t2op wrote

It's what you get when you attach yourself to the disney/marvel brand where seemingly everything they put out ends in some kind of culture war that keeps the name of the movie in everyone's mouth for so long after release. Everything is either the best or the worst, underrated or overrated, everyone us washed up or a rising star.

It's why I find the Eternals so fascinating because, to this day, it's one of the only high profile Marvel/Disney movies that people reacted to like "yep, that was a movie" and then there was no discourse. It was refreshing. I miss it.


toe_and_hole_analyst t1_j1aqxqw wrote

I think I'm in the minority of people who see Love and Thunder as a critique and parody of Marvel films. It's not that I want to say Taiki was a supreme genius in doing so, but rather that he is disillusioned with the whole thing. When you can bang Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson at the same time, why does making Marvel movies seem important?

EDIT: majority to minority