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Metal64Game t1_j2c60mz wrote

Wrote the Indiana Jones 4 script, Spielberg liked it, George Lucas canned it for Crystal Skull.

Made one the best first seasons of a TV show ever, was fired for it by AMC.

Then made a noir show for TNT, while good, no one really watched it and it got cancelled after 1 season.

And these are the failed projects we know about. I'm not surprised he quit the industry, his talent and time has been tossed out time and time again. I don't know what it's like to make some of your best work only to be burned for it, but at some point you must think to yourself "fuck this shit" and never look back


CherryDarling10 t1_j2dbf6m wrote

Is there a copy of his Indy 4 script floating around somewhere? I’d love to give it a chance.


martianlawrence t1_j2e5g4l wrote

I have a friend who met him and frank said he was developing episode 1 of Star Wars and had a fleshed out vision of the Anakin trilogy but it got canned