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A_Hideous_Beast t1_j11mex9 wrote

It's definitely not dead, and has been more alive than the time after the Prequels ended lmao.

God. Nerds are so cringe. Just pick and choose what you like dude, but passing off youtube and reddit comments as "universally agreed". There are farrrrr more people who enjoy the series, even casually, than what these little corners of the internet show.

They ain't rebooting or erasing the sequels. They've moved on, and so should you.

If anything, I hate that all the TV shows are just pandering fan service. Gotta have all the cameos, all the references, can't just have an original show with original characters with original stories. Nope, gotta retread left and right. Which is ironic, cuz sequel haters will say the sequel films did that, but can barely contain themselves when Durk Wiggins who only showed up in episode 3 in the background as a head at minute 38:20 gets a spinoff show.