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yousyveshughs t1_j2a5qgw wrote

Right?! Guy thinks he’s being super righteous and fighting injustice or something while he’s texting on a phone made from slave labour after enjoying products from a company that clear cuts rainforest and displaces tribes for palm oil. He’s easily manipulated by far worse people and lost the plot.


Economy-Inspector-23 t1_j2adga3 wrote

Legit, director said bad thing 20 years ago can’t watch. Shop at Walmart: even though they destroyed small business and local retailers (by design), buy new phone every other year even though company exposed for illegally making products with planned obsolescence. But don’t enjoy this art because director said bad thing.


yousyveshughs t1_j2antm4 wrote

It’s beyond ridiculous how proud people like that are to be dumb-dumbs.