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Stacy_Ann_ t1_j255835 wrote

5 - A personal favorite, regardless of objective quality

4.5 - An excellent film, solid on all levels and outstanding on one or more levels, has potential to become a favorite with a rewatch

4 - A very good film overall

3.5 - Enjoyable, possibly flawed on some levels or forgettable, but not a waste of time

3 - Mediocre. Good for the type of film it aspires to be but nothing truly special

2.5 - I can understand why some people would like it, or it has a few redeeming quality aspects, but overall has more bad than good

2 - Not a good movie but had one or two mildly redeeming aspects

1.5 - A bad movie with perhaps one or two aspects that weren't completely awful

1 - Terrible

0.5 - The worst of the worst, or ones that I stopped watching before the end. Something that went the extra mile when it comes to being bad