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Mei_iz_my_bae t1_j2cecy0 wrote

Fam I smoke a lot of herb and even I’m saying you may wanna chill


RadiatedEarth t1_j2cgfg5 wrote

Just ripped the last of my jack herrer. Let's do this!

After Bruce's parents are killed and he's sent to raz. Gets all trained up. The ninja peeps need to reset NYC so it's his assignment. He goes a little overboard with all the psycho killings. Snaps when he sees the ninjas have kept it all under wraps and decides to never kill again and returns to Gotham.

"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory"

Sets it up that he's not really Patrick Bateman in the first place.


Str8kush OP t1_j2cms0k wrote

Good shit my man. Let’s make this work. I mean timeline wise it kind of does. AP takes place in late 90’s ish right? That’s plenty of time between when a young Bruce Wayne leaves Gotham to when he returns suddenly in let’s say 2005 ish? And honestly the end of American Psycho does leave him wondering if any of those events even happened


RadiatedEarth t1_j2cn9l5 wrote

Besides ninja training how else would you explain someone in mergers and acquisitions being able to run multiple blocks in full business attire, while evading police. Not to mention knowing exactly where to shoot a car engine to make it explode.

There is a pretty big RL event around that time that could be seen as ninja peeps (sry not big on batman so don't know their names off hand) doing what they always do.