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mirror_number t1_j2d65dn wrote

I'm always surprised by people saying this. First of all, I've seen people have the exact same complaint about Knives Out - that it was obvious who the killer was from the outset. I don't necessarily agree but I guess with only so many suspects, enough people are going to shout at the screen "He did it!" and be right, and the same will be true of Glass Onion. But in Glass Onion >!the film sets Miles Bron up as the victim with the murder mystery game (plus maybe my familiarity with The Last of Sheila and the fact this film was inspired by it meant I assumed it would follow the same set up as to who the victim was), and how could you know he was the killer half an hour in when a murder, as far as the audience knows, hasn't even happened at that point? And when a murder does happen, it's made to look like Bron was the intended target!<

I guess it depends on how you go into the film. It feels to me, and I may be wrong here, that a lot of people who didn't enjoy the film went into it with an adversarial relationship, treating it as something to outsmart, not letting its tricks work on them. Sure you might figure out the mystery by intentionally disregarding what the film is telling you, but clearly it will leave you unsatisfied. Maybe that's a sign its tricks are poorly crafted, but (and this is obviously anecdotal so make of it what you will) I've watched it with five other people now and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. None of us guessed who it would be or found the solution unsatisfying, which I think is pretty impressive since it's deliberately unsatisfying lol.


DemonicBird t1_j2dlpfl wrote

The most giveaway thing is the name itself. When Benoit goes up to talk to miles he sees the illusionary glass onion in his office and he remarks about it. The glass onion means that the killer was in plain sight the whole time Benoit just had to peel the layers of an already transparent onion.


thelandsman55 t1_j2dsih8 wrote

What are you even talking about? Miles is the last person we meet and basically every character is in plain sight the entire time besides Janelle Monae.


Cliqey t1_j2e24jq wrote

It’s also incredibly easy for bad faith detractors to simply lie and say “garbage, I knew who done it the whole time.” I know, I know, liars on the anonymous internet!? But by golly it happens. And unfortunately that also makes it very easy to misattribute any negative appraisal as bad faith.

Would be much better if people didn’t go around treating their subjective perspectives and experiences as objective absolute truths.


omnilynx t1_j2eqlca wrote

Not just in bad faith, either. Psychology is weird. People can have half-formed hunches that multiple characters did it, and then only remember the hunch that panned out, claiming (and really believing) they "knew" who it was all along.