Submitted by sadgirl45 t3_z8edl2 in movies

All this Nintendo film talk has me wondering who the best director for the job would be? I’d say someone who loves the game, can adapt well, and someone who has handled big budget fair. I feel like this movie would do so incredibly well in the right hands and if it’s good. My picks would be Peter Jackson, Andy Muschetti, I’m not sure who else maybe the house of dragon showrunner if they’re a fan of Zelda. They also shouldn’t try to make it to gritty and grounded but the tell the story the way it’s presented in the games. I also think Spielberg would be great but I want him to direct everything.



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JustinPlatt1 t1_iyb6wem wrote

Hey I Was Removed From Talk What Happened I was Discussing Something


Ok_Theme_6480 t1_iyb8bue wrote

I think majoras mask or skyward sword would be a better Zelda game to adapt- Ocarina of time would challenge even the best/biggest fan writers due to the messy timeline


whitebandit t1_iybh1fh wrote

i think... with how good the illumination mario movie is looking (voice acting withstanding), i might just prefer to see a legit Animated movie instead. Live action for Zelda of all things is gonna be tricky. Live action Metroid tho..


sadgirl45 OP t1_iyblrj0 wrote

I prefer an epic live action for Ocarina of time, I personally don’t think the Mario movie style would suit Zelda at all and if they did do animated they could do Japanese animation so ghibli style but I would prefer live action for ocarina but for Windwaker animated would work they could get into the spider verse people!


sadgirl45 OP t1_iyblz16 wrote

I think the timeline would work if you simplify it, child link and then he beats Ganon as adult link and half the movie or the first movie is child link then the second is adult I personally think Ocarina has the best story and it’s been done in manga format!


whitebandit t1_iybm8xl wrote

i would absolutely love to see anything Zelda if its well done no doubt... i just think live action is going to be so much more difficult to pull off well. But you are probably right, the illumination style isnt the way to go, something like Ghibli or into the spiderverse would be better


sadgirl45 OP t1_iybnges wrote

Yeah I think ocarina in particular would lend itself well to live action and we’ve seen it done well with game of thrones in terms of big set pieces and stuff I think the tech is there now! And Harry Potter so it’s a classic sword and sorcery that would work and of course I want to see it done at the highest level with the very best working on it as I think Zelda has the unique feel of a fun adventure but also epic and could put butts in seats.


DoIrllyneeda_usrname t1_iybnkqx wrote

I don't think Zelda would work at all as a movie, especially as a live action movie. Same for Metroid.


DoIrllyneeda_usrname t1_iybo4ud wrote

I agree they have great stories but I think those stories would suffer a lot by sacrificing the interactivity of the games. Link is a silent protagonist too, so it would make it much harder for the narrative to center around him.


sadgirl45 OP t1_iyboh7n wrote

I think it’s easy look at the manga you would just have to find the right fit and make link likeable as for the interactivity you can have a fun adventure feel like Star Wars or Indy Jones imo. Link battling monsters etc I think it’s perfect for adaption!


Dottsterisk t1_iybpelq wrote

James Cameron

It would look perfect, and he would find a simple human story that resonates, while introducing the greater world.


muffle64 t1_iyckfsr wrote

Denis Villeneuve. He knows how to make the world a character in itself. And that's part of what makes the LoZ series so well loved is because of the world/land that you explore. Plus he's already shown he has a knack for fantasy style films


Kessra t1_iycs292 wrote

I know it's not specifically Ocarina of TIme, but Ridley Scott's Legend(1985) is the closest analogue for a Legend of Zelda adaptation. That said, I'm not advocating for Ridley Scott as the best director to adapt Ocarina of Time.

I agree with the top comment that Guillermo del Toro is the best fit. He's plugged into Japanese entertainment as a fan of anime and games which I think would help with respecting the source material. He could properly capture both the whimsical introduction of the Kokiri, Goron, and Zora, and the melancholy of time represented by Sheik's monologues.


WhyWorryAboutThat t1_iyd68lb wrote

Peter Jackson seems like the obvious choice because he's already directed the greatest medieval-inspired fantasy films of all time, but imo it's a different type of fantasy. Zelda is about one guy quietly going through dungeons with moody music, encountering all sorts of crazy monsters while solving puzzles. It's less like The Lord of the Rings's big battles and more like Legend, Labyrinth, or Willow, which are more about a few characters going from one bizarre encounter to the next. Since the directors of those films are Ridley Scott, the late Jim Henson, and Ron Howard, Howard or Scott seem like good choices to me. I generally prefer Scott's work but I don't know if he's still interested in the fantasy or sci-fi genres. Ron Howard's daughter Bryce Dallas Howard has directed some of my favorite episodes of the Star Wars TV shows so maybe she'd be up to it? Scott would be my choice since Legend feels so close to a Zelda movie already.