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fleetingflamingos t1_ixp6udd wrote

It’s funny cause I have an issue with the reviews section on IMDb for the opposite reason. It annoys me how many people leave 1/10 reviews, especially when they admit to just watching the first half of a movie or the first two episodes of a show.

In my opinion, there are very very few movies that are a true 1/10. Most movies have enough redeemable qualities to bring it to a 4-5, so I’m always more interested in reading the negative reviews from a 4-6 range. However I think there are definitely many movies that are 10/10, so the higher scores don’t bother me as much.


irkybirky OP t1_ixp8diw wrote

Ya it does work both ways with reviews. From one extreme to the next. I can't say I agree on the 1-10 movies. There are many in my opinion that are just dreadful in every aspect, but I do agree, if you haven't fully watched a movie or show in its entirety than how can you give it a fair rating? Any rating is fair if you seen it and gave your honest review, but these 10-10 reviews for people who just opened accounts with one review is simply hog wash.