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meowskywalker t1_iy4kow5 wrote

It depends on the movie. You can’t do the T-1000 without CG. You cannot. You might get close with stop motion which looks one million times worse, but even then there’s stuff that just wouldn’t work.

I don’t see the difference, personally. You can have CG that’s clearly not real or you can have props and stop motion that’s clearly not real. On Mandalorian CG Luke Skywalker looks fucking fake, but animatronic puppet Kuill also looks fucking fake. We just have to accept the fake looking things one way or the other.


thenerdwrangler t1_iy6q97b wrote

Aside from walking out of the flames under the bridge, walking through the prison bars and morphing out of the floor/into the chopper window. the majority of the T-1000 effects were entirely practical. All the bullet hits, being frozen, stabbing Todd in the face, exploding at the end, falling into the molten steel... All practical.