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Karmond t1_ixep7y0 wrote

I saw this when it was out at the cinemas. Everyone in the room was having a blast all the way through. Every comment I’ve seen that is like yours was from people who watched it at home. It’s not the same experience.


Listen-bitch t1_ixfkw4u wrote

I watched it in theatres too. It just didn't hit me at all. It got too goofy and I couldn't take the movie seriously. But then I also don't like comedies, and this movie delved too deep into the comedy genre for my taste.


jelly10001 t1_ixk0rjw wrote

I saw it on a giant IMAX screen and didn't get the hype. (Except for the rocks scene. That was good).


dontyoutellmetosmile t1_ixhdu01 wrote

I watched it at home, just a couple weeks ago. I was fucking floored. All the hype I’d heard about it didn’t even come close to how great it was. I texted my friend immediately after it was over, still in tears, and he was like “yep. Same.” I need to watch it again.


cheesemagnifier t1_ixfxhvt wrote

It’s a movie that really is stunning on the big screen. I also think it’s important to watch it without taking a break. The sequences of images and verse jumping did something chemically to my mind to make my brain feel very altered, in a way that left me feeling profoundly changed for better. If you’re watching it in tv and getting up to get a drink and go pee and let the dog in you break up the stream of consciousness and you don’t get to that place.