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L0b0t0my t1_ix84tgw wrote

EEAAO (Everything Everywhere All At Once), I didn't really have much going on during my birthday, so I randomly decided to go my local theater; I love seeing movies on the big screen, and I live stupidly close to an AMC.

Like I really decided half way through that day that I would go see a movie, and seeing how nothing else was out, I decided to watch the one thing that I had heard good stuff about. I purposefully didn't look at rotten tomatoes or anything beforehand, or a trailer because I really wanted to go in blind.

It was a small/standard sized auditorium filled with just myself, one larger guy a few rows behind me at the back, and a couple about 3-4 rows ahead of me, since EEAAO had been out for awhile at this point.

I was really liking the movie about 1 hour/90 minutes in, but it wasn't until I began to love the film when Waymond's confession happened that made me tear up. From this point on I was on some thin eggshells from releasing the waterfall (Again, it was only me and 3 other people in the audience, so i didnt exactly have the anonymity of a large crowd).

There's a point in the movie where the film goes completely quiet to make a loud point, you could hear a pin drop at this point, and I swear I'm about to fucking lose it. You ever hear how quiet a theater is when the credits are over and everyone has left? It was that quiet. I, and I'm sure the rest of the theater, hear a sniffle from the guy in the back, and it's GG no re, the dam of tears and emotions break and everyone including myself is just bawling/sniffling and wiping tears (at again, the most quiet scene of the entire film).

That day, I walked out of that theater having felt my that soul had been reset. I had heard good things about this movie, but for it to have such a profound effect on me was a really touching and unforgettable moment. I'm really glad I got to see it that day, time, and place, with those same strangers. And it was a heavy reminder why I love going to the theater.


rekniht01 t1_ix87jaw wrote

The point where Evelyn has her realization about all iterations of Waymond was a gut punch to me. I could barely watch the rest of the movie through the tears.


Halcyon_october t1_ix88t2q wrote

I was sobbing through most of the scenes with Joy, I felt the everything bagel so hard.