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Hahndude t1_ixra9x1 wrote

Us wasn’t a very good film. Why not use Get Out or Nope as you base since those are Peele’s other films and they are both actually very good movies.


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixraonh wrote

Us is on par with Nope for me: all flash, no substance. Get Out was incredible.


matlockga t1_ixrdvck wrote

Nope was a heck of a tribute to moviemaking, and I thought it was at least a huge recovery from Us.

Like, how can you even feel a movie that drops more or less back to back to back to back homages to Jaws, The Last Temptation of Christ, Akira, and early film technology--and makes them all work has no substance?


SitDown_BeHumble t1_ixrg4eb wrote

Yeah saying Nope has no substance is just straight up wrong. You can argue whether it executed its ideas well or not, but it definitely has a lot of depth.

On top of everything you mentioned, Nope also has a lot to say about the human desire for spectacle, even at the risk of our own safety or despite its negative effects on society.


matlockga t1_ixrgb5w wrote

> Nope also has a lot to say about the human desire for spectacle, even at the risk of our own safety or despite its negative effects on society.

Literally every person who tried using the spectacle for their own benefit died, too. It's not even subtle.


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvjfhh wrote

The 3 main characters were trying to use it to their benefit to get rich, no? They didn't die?


matlockga t1_ixvk180 wrote

They were clearly in it to prove it was real. Hence the overarching narrative about the man on the horse.


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvmcaf wrote

You're just wrong on this one, watch it again. They're intentionally secretive with Angel, and they don't want TMZ/paparazzi showing up. They openly call it the "moneyshot". If they just wanted to prove it was real then wouldn't they be happy all the news crews show up after the crowd at Judy's ranch "disappears"?


matlockga t1_ixvn76j wrote

"Oprah Shot."

And not really. Why let someone else tell an incomplete story and erase the reality?


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixvpmx5 wrote

The "story" being a picture of a UFO in the sky? The only thing being "erased" is their payday. Flimsy flimsy flimsy.


MonsieurRacinesBeast t1_ixrx4au wrote

Because it was boring. The creature was just... there. And the people made really stupid decisions endlessly. It was like a bad Twilight Zone.


TheOneWhoCutstheRope t1_ixridn0 wrote

While I actually enjoyed us it’s definitely the weaker film out of his 3 so far. Just watched nope and I loved it tbh. Felt like an r rated black Spielberg film


MonsieurRacinesBeast t1_ixrwuwz wrote

What made Get Out incredible? I thought it was really heavy handed.


PermYoWeaveTina t1_ixsawtd wrote

I thought it was a really cool & unique premise. Swapping minds and yet you're still trapped inside is terrifying and a kind of a fun idea at the same time. Also the TSA saving the day haha


MonsieurRacinesBeast t1_ixrws8i wrote

I still don't understand the hype around Get Out and Nope.

Both were solid B's on my scale. Neither were scary, but they were kind of original. I just find his movies SO heavy handed. He beats you over the head with the themes, much like M. Night.


headbiscuitss t1_ixtjla0 wrote

Get out was insanely original and portrayed subtle racism really well. It loses its flare a little bit after rewatching. Us imo is fucking terrible. I haven't seen Nope yet tho


Gumshoez t1_ixrdqif wrote

Us was so bad that I thought Peele might end up being a fluke. But Nope was fantastic. I may have even liked it more than Get Out. But I am partial to cowboys and aliens.


firstanomaly t1_ixrd1w8 wrote

Couldn’t agree more. Peele is already going to go down as an amazing director. But US just required way too much “suspension of disbelief”. Great acting, great cinematography, directing. But what is that story and explaining the bare minimum of this other world.


gwentdaddy t1_ixrcpzu wrote

I actually enjoyed Us. I used to wake up to pee in the middle of the night with that scene where she dances all weird to "I got five on it" in my head. I enjoyed the style and I love that Peele keeps me thinking. Is it as good as Get out? I dunno. But I enjoyed it.


stormwolfdanger t1_ixrcvhf wrote

Agreed. It was a solid horror movie.


gwentdaddy t1_ixrde45 wrote

Now days if a movie isn't 10/10 its considered trash. I also think that some people are holding Jordan Peele to a standard that isn't held to every filmmaker. I don't know why he's being held to such a standard but his films are thought provoking, beautiful and fun. What else could you ask for.


[deleted] t1_ixrf7f2 wrote



gwentdaddy t1_ixrgfae wrote

I can respect that criticism. At least you gave a reason that wasnt just "it's not as good as get out" for me I liked the details in the back. It makes multiple viewings fun for me.


cficare t1_ixri8ox wrote

I couldn't deal with the "there's literally twice the amount of people in the country and no one knows about it and it's not some dimensional gateway - literally a cloned america - oh, and they're evil" angle.


SitDown_BeHumble t1_ixrhfgz wrote

Get Out was so good that it set incredibly high expectations for him. That one is understandable, if not a little unfair to him.

However, there is another reason he gets criticized so much: he became a target of right wing culture warriors because of the social commentary in his movies and because he said he wanted to tell stories with black people as the leads. Apparently that makes him racist against white people somehow? Lol

You’ll see these type of people hating on him pop up in threads in this sub all the time.

Edit: Yup, they’re here right now, right on cue


gwentdaddy t1_ixrltko wrote

Wow its difficult to read those comments. I know that that kind of criticism exists it's just hard to believe people think like that.


jjohnfil24 t1_ixrgvsk wrote

IMO I feel as though that Peele is very good at creating interesting concepts rather than fully exploring it (With the exception of Get Out). Nope’s concept of the UFO was awesome, but I feel as though he didn’t really do that much with it. Similar with Us. You can tell he was more interested in the concepts that he made rather than the story and characters in the film. Not bad, just not amazing as his other content.


gwentdaddy t1_ixrhu47 wrote

I agree Peele is a concept man. I also think that Get out was probably something that he dreamed of making if he ever got to make a film. Where as Us is a follow up to one of the biggest smash hits in horror ever. Following Get out would be hard for any filmmaker. I'm not saying Us is better than Get out, I'm just saying Us is great to me. I had a blast watching it and tbh I was more scared too. I just saw so many comments trashing Us and I disagree. Us is awesome


IAmKermitR t1_ixrlsh7 wrote

I enjoyed the film because it is very well crafted. I just didn’t like the story, made little sense to me unlike GetOut or Nope


gwentdaddy t1_ixropej wrote

I can respect that. I believe Jordan Peele said the movie is about how we're afraid of the outsider how we're afraid that the outsiders are coming to get us. And that we are our own worst enemy. Or something like that. I can't explain why I like Us so much but I'll try. I really like the acting. Lupita Nyong'o is amazing in Us to me. I love that it kept me guessing until the end. I found the film memorable. I'm legitimately scared by the doppelgangers and the thought of someone looking just like me is out there lurking in the shadows. I can understand why people like Get Out more than Us but I love them both. I think they're two classics from a wonderful director. I think that one day Us will be looked at differently.


etbiludecalcinha t1_ixr8gij wrote

Us was pretty mediocre, honestly


UNCfan07 t1_ixr9199 wrote

Yeah, and Nope was sorse then US


iliketurkeys1 t1_ixrb1ea wrote



DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_ixrctop wrote

Gonna get downvoted cuz it’s recent and “white people just don’t get it” (lol) but you’re right. Nope is by far the worst of the three

At least US had a unique storyline like get out. Nope was just a drawn out spaceship movie where the spaceship was just fuckin ribbons

But at least Glenn was in that one. I miss that mf


YHofSuburbia t1_ixretsj wrote

>"white people just don’t get it"

Who is saying this? The movie wasn't even about racial issues. Twitter and Fox News has destroyed your brain dude.


DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_ixrftr6 wrote

Black people when white people say they didn’t get it lol

Have you never seen this movie be discussed in a public setting before


ReptiIe t1_ixrgata wrote

Who hurt you lmfao


DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_ixrgidt wrote

Oh, so we’re literally just pretending that isnt a narrative now? Lmao when did that happen?

here’s an article from Jordan peele himself (the director and writer of the movie)

Do a bit of reading before you blindly speak up so you can tell yourself how self righteous you are on Reddit


TheOneWhoCutstheRope t1_ixrinvl wrote

Except both peele and the guy above you are right? Peele is fully aware black people might most likely act differently to this situation and yet the movie was still more than just race?


Moron14 t1_ixrfref wrote

Yeah. We’ll both get down votes, but that’s the point of an opinion I guess.

Trailers for Nope made it look creepy, and spooky. Instead it was melodic and sleepy.


Oswarez t1_ixreccr wrote

Strange use of the phrase “Insanly good” in connection to “Us”.


ddarner t1_ixr80zx wrote

Us was horrible.


kickintheface t1_ixrh954 wrote

Maybe not horrible, but a massive disappointment. Peele set the bar really high with Get Out.


huge-tits t1_ixrcps4 wrote

Us is the worst of Peele’s 3 films.


Tripp__E t1_ixrd183 wrote

Critics won’t say this movie was bad, but the people do. It was laughably terrible.


After_Hovercraft7822 t1_ixrecel wrote

Us is pretty polarizing.

In my opinion, it’s social commentary is too subtle and is mostly told through details in the background than the characters and story itself. The tethering system also opens up more questions that frustratingly feel important but never answered.


Friend-Beast t1_ixs9pj2 wrote

I feel like I missed something with Us. Seems critically acclaimed but I just didn't really get what the big deal was.


Random_Ghost69 t1_ixrwdhi wrote

I wouldn't call 'Us' insanely good though.


EltonmiTorino1 t1_ixs2zn3 wrote

Us is probably the most overrated movie of all time to me. Was nobody else audibly laughing when they went to the "underworld" place where all the clones were mimicking their real-life counter parts? Like that was parody level stupid. There are so many other laughable moments, too. bad film that everyone just ate up... what the hell am I missing?


EltonmiTorino1 t1_ixs3732 wrote

Jordan Peele makes "good movies" for people who don't know good movies.


headbiscuitss t1_ixtjqli wrote

Us is such a bad and forgettable movie. Pretty sure Get Outs success carried Us.


Brangible t1_ixuv0ba wrote

Lol. I forgot this movie. It started alright but the twists were just dumb.


justmyopin09 t1_ixv0lzo wrote

Can anyone comment on the movies in the list of the article? Really interested in whether they are worthwhile


Little4inwilly t1_ixr1loz wrote

In a foolish, wild, or uncontrolled manner?


ricflair209 t1_ixrbugy wrote

Us was utter trash. Fan of his other films, but this was dogshit.


maggos t1_ixrcsco wrote

I don’t know if I’d say trash, but it really doesn’t live up to the hype and is nowhere near as good as Get Out. The whole premise just makes no sense and it’s also not quite funny enough to forgive how hand wavy the whole shadow backstory is.


mikepictor t1_ixrqkux wrote

I honestly like it better than Get Out. I haven't seen Nope yet