Submitted by Daviefre t3_z82liz in movies

Worst writing tropes

Here are some of mine:

  1. When someone says "Look," every fucking time they're about to sit down someone else to tell them how they feel. I recently saw this on The Boys, which is a nice show but this really bothered me, especially when I saw a kid do it. Have you ever talked to a kid?? Kids don't talk like that!!!

  2. When the bathroom is ALWAYS down the hall and to the left. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really even need to ask where the bathroom is? Most of the time we're in a tiny little house. Just open some doors and you'll find it. Do we really need to write that in the script??

Please, freak out about some of YOUR most hated movie/show tropes!



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Veszerin t1_iy9ga27 wrote

I'm skeptical these qualify as tropes in the way the word 'trope' is typically used. It's like if we called starting the title of the movie with the word 'the' a trope.

>1. When someone says "Look," every fucking time they're about to sit down someone else to tell them how they feel. I recently saw this on The Boys, which is a nice show but this really bothered me, especially when I saw a kid do it. Have you ever talked to a kid?? Kids don't talk like that!!!

A lot of people start conversations with 'look, ...'. Just because you don't and your friends and family don't doesn't mean it's not authentic human dialogue.

>2. When the bathroom is ALWAYS down the hall and to the left. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really even need to ask where the bathroom is? Most of the time we're in a tiny little house. Just open some doors and you'll find it. Do we really need to write that in the script??

A lot of people find it rude to go snooping and opening random doors in someone else's house.

Honestly, even if we were to consider these tropes, seems a little weird to be bothered enough about them to write a post.


TheTurtleShepard t1_iy9it6k wrote

Yeah I’ve never been in someone’s house and decided to open all of the doors in their house to search for the bathroom rather than just ask


theBonyEaredAssFish t1_iy9zlf2 wrote

My bathroom is literally down the hall and to the left, so that's how I tell people. Plus even though it's not that big a house, there are 4 doors to choose from, so yes I need to specify.


woahdude12321 t1_iy9izpr wrote

Honestly, even if I were to consider this a comment, seems a little weird to be bothered enough to write one


Daviefre OP t1_iy9t4a2 wrote

Look... I know you don't like my vocabulary choice. And I know you like it when you know EXACTLY where the bathroom is. But I just... I don't - I don't know.... okay? I just don't know. Look... can I tell you something?


angel19999 t1_iy9ix10 wrote

>When the bathroom is ALWAYS down the hall and to the left.

Coming to think of it, if someone asked me where the bathroom is in my apartment, I don't think I could verbalize how to find it. I would just say "there" pointing with my finger. I mean, I'm not talking to a robot, am I, to specify the door number lol.


Gizzard_Guy44 t1_iya1gk3 wrote

if either of these non-things bother you - you may just be looking to be bothered by things


thor76 t1_iy9i36k wrote

  1. Being edgy and witty under pressure. Like there's a life or death situation and characters are exchanging wisdom while killing left and right

  2. The really hurt character all cut and maimed being told he needs to heal and rest that thrashes the doctor /healer advice and proceeds to run back fighting like nothing happened


SmallTownDisco t1_iy9k0nb wrote

I’m going to defend you, OP, at least on the “Look” observation. (I don’t really care what the official definition of “trope” is, I get what’s you’re trying to say here). I get so annoyed at that I’ve thought about making it a drinking game. NO ONE ACTUALLY TALKS LIKE THAT!!


Kelvin_Inman t1_iy9zffv wrote

Look, just because you don’t talk like that doesn’t mean others don’t. Now where is your bathroom?


Daviefre OP t1_iy9rbbe wrote

If people do talk like that it's because of a movie they saw lol. It's super corny. I especially didn't like the kid doing it because kids definitely don't fucking say that. When the writing is so bad that they don't even shake up the writing style for different characters.... ugh!!!


lostonpolk t1_iyapeqm wrote

"Something something. Something else."

"Wait, what was that last thing you said?"

"Something else."

"No, the other thing."


GrayRoberts t1_iyavf8i wrote

Are you kidding? ‘White man with daddy issues struggles through them and is accepted by his father figure at the end of the story,’ isn’t at the top of the list?


iamnotfunny16 t1_iyawxgn wrote

i see people disagreeing in the comments, but i honestly agree with you op as someone who also has a lot of small writing pet peeves. sure they're small things, but if i'm allowed to have small, slightly petty pet peeves irl, im allowed to have small slightly petty pet peeves in movies haha


Nacknack26 t1_iycdu0k wrote

Characters overhearing exactly the wrong words for drama. It's always such a plot convenience and an annoying miscommunication trope.


droughtmouth t1_iycixwf wrote

The thing that absolutely boils my blood in TV shows and movies is when somebody sacrifices themselves to save a character from an oncoming wave of like zombies etc. And the saved person STOPS DEAD for like 5 minutes to watch the person being ripped apart instead of running.

I'm always screaming at the screen "fucking run, you stupid idiot!"

I recently watched 'All of us are dead' and spoilers when the girls father sacrifices himself at the tennis court she just stands there and watches. He sacrificed himself for NOTHING!!

It's so ridiculous


PerfectAdvertising30 t1_iydzxzv wrote

  1. I know a kid who says look
  2. my bathroom is down the hall to the right.