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YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud1rk0 wrote


SavingsService2138 OP t1_iud20p2 wrote

Like Elliot in ET. He dragged that movie down i guess...


YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud2hd7 wrote

I thought this post was about T2?


[deleted] t1_iud31qc wrote



YYYdddEW966hgHCE t1_iud5yc0 wrote

E.T was made for little kids and Henry Thomas was 10 yrs old. T2 was made for teens and Furlong was 14. Totally different conversation. You should look at imdb. Thomas did a few good movies early on and he still looks healthy. Furlong did nothing of note and has looked like roadkill for as long as I can remember. FYI E.T. was the 💣