Submitted by igotdooms t3_ydlvrc in movies

I knew of his existence over the years of watching many movies and TV but I never actually watched anything with him in it because I always thought he did a comedy that was too immature for my taste. And then I watched Get Out. Absolutely brilliant. I watched Us. I watched The Twilight Zone. And I just watched Nope. He’s a genius.

Edit: It seems like a lot of people don’t understand horror isn’t just supernatural scary. I do enjoy horror movies but his movies are more than that. They’re original and impactful. I can only remember a scene or two from the other horror movies. Jordan Peele being a genius isn’t an overstatement. The movies work in multiple levels. There is rewatchability too.



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yes_its_him t1_itsyzjr wrote

That seems like an overstatement, but he does bring a unique style and energy to his stories as both writer and director. Good work gets recognized.


Main_Tip112 t1_itszncc wrote

Meh his movies are decent. I don't consider him a horror king or a genius though.


TheBigCatfish t1_ittm4zc wrote

I didn't find anything particularly horrific about "Nope" except the multiple loose-ends and plot holes.


lostinjapan01 t1_ittzmmt wrote

Can we really consider them plot holes if the absence of a complete set of answers and lack of concrete resolution is really part of the movie’s whole point


Ccaves0127 t1_itu2p9f wrote

Just out of curiosity, I'd like to hear what you think are loose ends or plot holes because I think the movie is exceptionally well written and goes out of its way to not have plot holes


TheBigCatfish t1_itydloe wrote

google "Nope plot holes". The way electrical things faded to power loss rather than just instantly turning off was annoying and stupid. For being expert animals trainers, they totally blow their audition due to some amateur hour moves. etc etc.

Nor is any part of it scary nor horror. Just overrated.


Ccaves0127 t1_iu6tkhq wrote

Those aren't plot holes, and they fail their gig (not an audition) because Emerald isn't paying attention and OJ is bad at talking to people. Those are character flaws, not a flaw with the movie. A plot hole would be something that explicitly defies earlier established logic in the movie


cb00sh t1_ittq6u0 wrote

He didn't


1975hh3 t1_itt08lz wrote

By being original.


thegosl0w t1_ittt6ai wrote

I like his work but he's not original at all haha

He makes Twilight Zone episodes into films.


1975hh3 t1_itxlw94 wrote

He’s original in the sense that he isn’t making the four thousandth Scream or Halloween sequel.


girafa t1_ittb6u5 wrote

and making ze monies. He gets asses in seats.


Ccaves0127 t1_itu2qzi wrote

I'd amend this to say that he presents familiar stories in an original way.


Tbplayer59 t1_itt7nt7 wrote

Get Out was genius. Us and Nope were bloated, senseless messes.


lilmsnasty t1_ittkzon wrote

True that.

Get Out at least waited a while and started hinting with small stuff like the tea stirring. It built up to the creepy and took its time, while Nope was like a bad knockoff of Stephen King's It but so much more disappointing.

And assuming you know folklore, Us gives the entire plot twist away in the opening scene which ruined the rest of it and turned watching it into a chore.


Xdeac t1_ittondu wrote

Nope was awful. Us was basically a long twilight zone episode with the plot twist spoiled in the first few minutes. Get out was decent. He has no illusions; he’s no John Carpenter


AvatarSpiderman t1_itsz2lq wrote

Get Out and Us were good but I wouldn't call him a genius by any means. And I thought Nope was terrible. Just my opinion though.


ChechoMontigo t1_itszaji wrote

I really love Key & Peele ❤️ Jordan Peele is just a giant movie nerd with immense talent which he can showcase in front and behind the camera


TravelingFlipper t1_itszenh wrote

None of his stuff is the least but scary lol. Fun to watch though. But not really horror imo


Autoganz t1_itt0o2y wrote

Horror doesn’t have to be scary to be considered horror.


DrRexMorman t1_ittcio0 wrote

>He’s a genius.

He isn’t a genius director or writer.

He is a genius actor, though.


Madi77 t1_itszlv5 wrote

He made three good horror movies in a row.


Unlikely_Emu_3493 t1_itu920a wrote

Mike Flanagan is on top of the game rn imo. While I adore films like hereditary and the witch for being as scary as they are I will always appreciate a high focus on characters and the emotional stakes of things like midnight mass or bly manor more. What he makes isn’t even always super scary but it’s all the more tense because of your attachment to everyone


Big_Signature_1818 t1_itszkv4 wrote

He’s up there but current reigning champ I think is Mike Flanagan. If we’re talking greatest horror influencers of all time, I think it’s between Hitchcock, Stephen King, and Lovecraft.

Edit: it’s an opinion guys. Yes, there are many other amazing horror influencers. Chill. Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. It’s like y’all are a bunch of comic book guys from the Simpsons.


deathmouse t1_itszwyg wrote

how DARE you disrespect John Carpenter like that?!?


mistahmeatball t1_itt6f3v wrote

Carpenter, Craven, Hooper


SnarkyKat13 t1_ittc4pk wrote

No Romero? tsk tsk....sigh.

Just kidding.... no I'm not. I was only reading this because I love my horror. Like who ya like...


mistahmeatball t1_ittcky7 wrote

Romero is cool too but he really didn’t have that many great films compared to the three I listed. He had the Dead trilogy, The crazies, and Creepshow and that’s pretty much it. Obviously still a legend for those films


clockdivide55 t1_itt92gm wrote

I'm with you. Oculus, Gerard's Game, Hush, and obviously his 4(!) awesome Netflix shows... Flanagan is the current horror king.


KelliAllred t1_itt52bo wrote

I agree that his work is so much more impactful than I'd have expected from watching Key & Peele (which I loved). I think he has a very deft hand at that creeping horror that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up and suddenly you feel like there might be someone coming up behind you ... You know, largely psychological horror. And he's really good at it.


the_grass_trainer t1_itt9meo wrote

How is comedy too immature? Have you seen any of Key and Peele's skits? 🤔


ohnourfeelings t1_itsyozr wrote

I don’t call him that at all. His movies are ok at best. Nothing scary about them.


dahuterschuters t1_itszish wrote

I'd say that'd be Robert Eggers, but we're actually in a great era for horror with Eggers, Peele, the House on Haunted Hill guy.


ElCapitan0321 t1_itszkba wrote

His style is unique, horror for the modern times. On that note though, Ari Aster is THE horror king.


SnakeinmyWoody t1_itt5kyc wrote

King is King.

Carpenter is definitely his Prime Minister


ElCapitan0321 t1_ittcjxn wrote

Yes sir, you are correct. I’m talking horror in the new age though. Carpenter paved the road with The Thing alone!


imaginary-places t1_itt20iv wrote

Peele, Aster, and Garland (mainly for Men, which I loved) are my three nu-horror kings.


mistahmeatball t1_itt65xz wrote

Aster sucks compared to those two


[deleted] t1_ittfsbn wrote



Landlubber77 t1_itt3dd8 wrote

Never underestimate the power of a great trailer.


Early_Accident2160 t1_ittshwq wrote

He is fantastic at setting at certain tone. There’s an uneasy atmosphere in his films AND he blends science fiction with horror so well. Nothing over the top, just cerebral enough


icatchdinks t1_ittxsxa wrote

Key and Peele is great and you can definitely see especially in the later seasons the horror elements being implemented into the sketches.


AthKaElGal t1_itu38h4 wrote

Peele is a genius comedian. not king of horror. that title belongs to Aster.


ThreeSmokeThree t1_itu4xo5 wrote

Since you also thought Key and Peele was too immature for your taste I recommend you go watch some of their skits on YouTube lol. I remember this show would come on when I was younger and I always hated it, I just thought it was immature nonsense but a few days ago I randomly clicked one of the skits when I was scrolling through YouTube.. I proceeded to watch like every Key and Peele skit ever lmao they are so damn funny

some of my favorite


DreamDull1192 t1_itu9v7m wrote

I saw Nope last night and thank goodness I waited to rent it for 5.99. It was a good movie, though.

It's no Top Gun: Maverick


ScroatGetter t1_ituzfk2 wrote

He’s very talented, he can make both popcorn flix and entertaining movies with significant social commentary. They say if you can do comedy, you can do pretty much anything, and he’s evidence of that statement being true. I don’t know if there is any one “king of horror” but he’s definitely up there with the greats.


Biscuits_N_Gravey t1_itwdvmf wrote

Dude is very talented but let’s cool it with the genius talk. He made a silly sketch show, a silly slapstick action comedy and 3 decent horror films.


igotdooms OP t1_itzdfgu wrote

People are celebrated for a single great work, too. Geniuses don’t have to be making 20 movie bangers.


tinoynk t1_itt4zz1 wrote

I don’t think a consensus would put him head and shoulders ahead of Robert Eggers or Ari Aster as far as this last generation of horror oriented directors go.

I’d agree he’s perceived as THE “social issue horror/genre movie” guy but in terms of overall horror I don’t think a Family Feud style poll of modern movie fans would end up with him as a clear #1.