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Jimbobler t1_iubp6q6 wrote

>this was not enjoyable, almost disgusting, which is good, because it truly showed me the brutality of war.

If you haven't seen it, I can recommend the Soviet anti-war movie Come and See from 1985, about the horrors during WW2. It had the same impact on me.


newbalancewearer t1_iuc1fi5 wrote

Thanks for the recommendation and yes I have seen it.

Definitely left a mark on me.

Especially the scene where the boy mindlessly shot hitlers portrait to bring back time… only to find hitler was once also a little innocent boy….that scene just messed with me, so dreadful yet so much empathy there.

I also like the pianist by Darien broody very much. Have you watched that?


c_bus21 t1_iud1r1y wrote

Agreed, Come and See did a great job at depicting the horrors of war as did All Quiet On the Western Front. But I needed a break during All Quiet On the Western Front with about 40 minutes left to go due to the brutality of it.