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DredgerDI6 t1_iuiim0x wrote

Thing is, the book is far more Vampire but with a twist. Manns's film, for all its butchered flaws is far more sureal cosmic horror and actually more scary because of that. Molasarr could be millions of years old, the root of all evil its never explained.


LeicaM6guy t1_iuiwmd8 wrote

The book is a solid read, though absolutely a product of its time. The ending left a little to be desired, but in the right hands with the right director and cinematographer it could be an amazing film.


Flimsy-Collection823 t1_iujdf6i wrote

a movie about how they trapped Radu Molasar in The Keep. the armies that sacrificed themselves or the priests or wizards / witches or all of them to hold the evil in place while The Keep was built around them or lured the evil into The Keep.

I always viewed The Keep as a offshoot of The Twighlight Zone's The Howling Man.. its never how they trapped evil, its how evil is released upon the world..

make a movie on trapping the evil & how that happened...& who's left to guard the evil from ever getting out.