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cupofteaonme t1_iuhrsdm wrote

Best recommendation I can offer is to simply watch more and more films, try not to think too much, and let the emotions of them, or the images or sound or what have you kind of wash over you to the extent that you can. And then read, read, read. Look up serious criticism about film. Not Letterboxd or YouTube reviews, but actual criticism by great writers and thinkers like Pauline Kael, Andrew Sarris, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Melissa Anderson, etc. Read histories of cinema, too, especially various waves of cinema like the German Expressionist period, Italian Neorealism, the French and American New Waves, etc. You'll learn a lot, and it will all help situate you in the history of the medium, its evolution over time, what sorts of techniques filmmakers have attempts and why, and how receptive audiences have engaged with works in ways you might otherwise have missed.

If you can get the Criterion Channel, I also highly recommend that. They've got excellent curated collections of films, to help you dive into a certain actor, director, style, movement and more. Often with very good introductory videos by scholars to help get you started.


lonzosch OP t1_iuhu5lh wrote

I’ve tried getting it but Criterion Channel is sadly unavailable in Australia, I do have Mubi tho if that’s something


cupofteaonme t1_iuhuf0w wrote

Mubi is very much something! A ton of great films on there.