Submitted by Comprehensive-Fun47 t3_yhxqej in movies

I’ve seen no discussion of this movie. Did anyone watch it on Hulu?

I watched because of the cast. It’s not my favorite genre.

Spoilers ahead.

The premise annoyed me. Emma Roberts’ character is dealing with post partum depression. She and her husband and their baby are looking to move to get a fresh start. They go to see an old farmhouse. The real estate agent discloses a murder suicide occurred there and other bad stuff. Emma Roberts is like I can handle a little haunting. They buy the house.

Fine, you need a premise like that to set up a haunted house movie. I’m along for the ride. But right away creepy things start happening. The husband is always away working. There’s no good reason why you should leave your depressed wife at home alone 90% of the time with the baby. It’s just not healthy.

The more the movie went on, the more I saw the husband as the villain. I thought he was setting her up to have a breakdown. There is a part where he thinks she’s being negligent and putting the baby in danger. He gets a doctor to come to the house and bring anti-psychotic meds, but still leaves her alone with the baby every day!

The backstory of what happened at the house in the past was disturbing. All of the suspense and jump scares are not my cup of tea, but it was well done, if a little repetitive.

I did not understand the ending. I was sure it was a false ending where everything seems fixed and perfect for a minute, until the other show drops and the real climax and ending happen. But it was real, and it was lame.

There were some interesting parts of this movie, like the scene with the doctor and some scenes with Michael Shannon, but I don’t think it was super effective, either as a horror movie or a commentary on post partum depression.

Would like to hear others’ thoughts.



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Ill_Contribution9075 t1_iugnk90 wrote

I recently ate a breakfast sausage and I didn’t love it

Would love to hear others thoughts on breakfast sausages


ajewtoldjimmy t1_iugnkfp wrote

I honestly hated it. I love suspense, horror, high strangeness, psychological thrillers bla bla bla I'm in. But this just was boring af tbh. There was nothing to keep me watching (I still did tho in the hopes something would come up).


Miserable_Track_1885 t1_iujn3q2 wrote

I hate Emma Roberts first off, I think she’s rangeless and anyone who physically assaults Evan P can get fucked, but I did think this movie was wildly unrealistic and poorly executed. It had all the makings of a good spook but fell flat.