Submitted by Ok-Future-5257 t3_126vx15 in movies

The near-kiss that gets interrupted.

The amateur sleuth calls the police detective and leaves a voicemail: "Call me back. I know who the killer is." Then hangs up without giving the name.

The female amateur sleuth goes somewhere alone and, surprise, finds herself facing the killer without backup.

The two lovers meet when one spills coffee on the other.

The female lead falling from a ladder and into the male love interest's arms.

One lover wipes food off the other lover's face.

A career woman in the big city has to visit the small town where she grew up, and is reunited with her high school sweetheart. The sparks rekindle, and she relearns the beauty of rural small-town living. The male love interest confesses that he dumped her all those years ago, because he didn't want to hold her back. Suddenly, her current boyfriend from the city shows up and makes things awkward.

One of the protagonists sees his/her love interest hugging someone else of the opposite sex, and immediately jumps to conclusions.



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dmullaney t1_jeb4mv1 wrote

Easily solved. Just don't watch Hallmark Movies


Ok-Future-5257 OP t1_jeb5hg5 wrote

I still enjoy Hallmark overall. But is it too much to ask that the writers stop turning to the same bag of tricks?


dmullaney t1_jeb5rt3 wrote

Sure you might as well ask action heroes to stop walking away from explosions.


GtrGbln t1_jec3bdn wrote

It's the Hallmark channel what are you really expecting?


turnipham t1_jebahfm wrote

I think the makers of these movies are aware of these cliches. They keep on making them because that's what a lot of the audience wants to see


tony_countertenor t1_jebd70a wrote

What is with these unhinged posts lately are they people doing bits or what?


letsgetrandy t1_jeb7s47 wrote

I love this. It's like when people decry horror films for having characters make stupid decisions while you're screaming at the screen "don't go in there!" It completely misses the point of the entire genre!

Hallmark films are intended to be cliches. It's almost like you grew up without ever hearing the phrase "a Hallmark moment."


tauntonlake t1_jeb5hqn wrote

When you've spent the 80's reading a gazillion Harlequin romance paperbacks, that are exactly the same plot formulas, girl meets guy, girl hates guy, conflict, sort of friends now, conflict again, PG rated sexy times, girl loses guy, girl gets guy back, they live happily ever after... only the title and character names have changed ...

You get used to Hallmark movies pretty quickly.


Dragonborn83196 t1_jeb6sit wrote

My ex father in law always said, once you’ve seen two maybe three Hallmark or Lifetime movies, you’ve seen them all.


MarsRocks97 t1_jeb7om4 wrote

The scene where the two male female subjects acquaintances are arguing, angry look on their faces declaring their absolute disgust of each other, suddenly they embrace and kiss as if to say it was all just sexual tension. Take away 5 more points if it cuts to them in bed after having done the deed.


SuperNntendoChlmers t1_jebc0ue wrote

This is what Hallmark movies and Lifetime movies are all about. They're just cheaply made feel good movies for people who don't want to really think about anything. Just a live action romance novel.

Lifetime movies are basically the same thing, same cliche stories about the babysitter banging the dad and suddenly wants to kill the family, nothing crazy just safe stories people want to see over and over.


ZorroMeansFox t1_jeclx19 wrote

I always liked the joke that a Hallmark movie just needs to be good enough to listen to while folding clothes.