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Aggravating-Assist18 t1_jczz8ym wrote

Is this a retorical question? If not then, I can make decisions for myself and the decision I made for myself is I don't want to watch every single movie I find remotely interesting, there's way too many movies to do that. Only watching the ones I find remotely interesting that are high rated narrows down my options. People say I shouldn't listen to reviews but those same people (particularly my friends) have recommended movies to me, listening to an audience score is the same as listening to a friend's recommendation to me because it's not like my friend necessarily has the same interests when it comes to movies as I do but a thousand+ people has more of a chance of having similar interests

I just want to mention that I stopped using rotten tomatoes because IMDB and letterbox allow me to get a better understanding if a movie is "good" or not