Submitted by SuperNntendoChlmers t3_1265ysg in movies

So there's a few very recent, day old articles announcing the development of a sequel to Collateral which starred Tom Cruise as a hired hitman. One of my favorite movies, directed by Michael Mann, had a nice display of authentic gunplay and weapon handling.

For anyone who saw the movie, my question is, how could they actually pull of a sequel, that supposedly still stars Jamie Foxx. Michael Mann would be set to direct which is a good start, my issue is only, how does the story from the first one continue? Assuming its set a good 15 years or more from the events of the first one.

Spoilers for anyone who hasnt seen the original,


but unless they pull a "somehow Vincent survived" Im not sure how a direct sequel works, especially if we're following Max again as their first encounter was purely by chance. Vincent clearly died in the first one so, I'm not sure how that story continues.

Any theories? Assuming they get the same screenwriter from the first one.



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Present-Upstairs3423 t1_je7vxua wrote

It's just two hours of Vincent's corpse riding that train, and the movie ends when someone finally figures out he's dead.


CaptainPRESIDENTduck t1_je7x0b3 wrote

Or, a voodoo curse is put on him. And then, whenever music plays, his corpse gets up, and shambles dance-like towards a treasure. Much like Weekend at Bernie's 2.


Lukeh41 t1_je7w73b wrote

"Somehow, Vincent returned."


Creski t1_je7yizg wrote

Not sure I want a sequel. I would just prefer to see Cruise play more villains. This movie was great, he still had all the Cruise charm, but holy fuck was scary as shit in this movie.


WhiplashDynamo t1_je7r4qu wrote

The articles aren’t exactly from reputable sources. I don’t think the Jamie Foxx character would be worth exploring without Vincent. It should be a Vincent prequel


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_je7tasz wrote

I normally dont take the articles seriously, I wait until I see something listed on their Imdb page at minimum. I was just so intrigued there was even a mention of a sequel for this movie that I couldn't help but wonder what kind of story could they possibly do for a sequel.

Cause I agree a prequel is the only thing that would make sense.

Like what is it gonna start off and Max finally started his limo business and another hitman shows up in his ride?


dynamoJaff t1_je957pe wrote

That story is just piggy backing off the recent Heat 2 casting stories. It's 100% not in development


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_je95ta0 wrote

I’m positive it will end up being something that doesn’t become officially greenlit. I was just so intrigued with how they could possibly do a direct sequel to the story. It’s such a one off movie and it came out in 2004.


TeamStark31 t1_je7pg4v wrote

The only thing I could think of is Max somehow becomes a target of the people Vincent worked for. But idk why they’d wait 15 years to deal with him if he was that problematic of a loose end.


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_je7qr3o wrote

That's my thinking, if this is taking place more or less a decade or more after the events, it shouldn't take that long.

The lawyer would surely have cleared his name and so he wouldnt be mistakenly connected to Vincent still in anyway. I'll be super curious as to what the story could be that makes it work for a sequel. I could understand a prequel, since now Cruise actually looks more the part of a seasoned hitman.


griffmeister t1_jead9er wrote

I think that idea would work if it was Javier Bardem's character finally getting out of prison and wants revenge. Since Jada Pinkett Smith doesn't die and Jamie Foxx is a witness / knows about the contract, there's a good chance that he ended up going to jail.

I guess the twist on the old formula would be that they kidnap Jada Pinkett Smith and force Jamie Foxx to carry out assassinations in one night.

Edit: also they probably still don’t know that he isn’t actually Vincent. Vincent is a “ghost” and no one would know about his death, especially with the whole “no one noticed a corpse on the train” bit.


Col_Irving_Lambert t1_je7t76i wrote

Considering Jason Statham is in the beginning and is supposed to be his transporter character...

I would watch the FUCK out of a Transporter movie from Mann.


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_je7tiy6 wrote

Yeah as over the top as The Transporter movies got, a Michael Mann directed one would have it much more grounded and gritty. I would see that for sure.


LoveEffective1349 t1_je7zirs wrote

15 years later

Jamie fox is now owner of his limo thing. Married happy everything behind him.

But it turns out new bad guy someone thinks he knows/saw more than he did. Thinks Vincent told a secret slipped some kind of info… something missing all these years l” where is the thumb drive?” Who gave the “order?”….maybe he’s Vincent’s partner? Revenge? Standard action trope stuff pick one.

Catch he’s been stuck in prison the last 15 years and now he’s out. Now he’s out and goes to find Jamie Fox. And the nightmare starts fresh.


exhaustednihilist420 t1_je9exoz wrote

Ryan Gosling plays the killer. John David Washington plays an uber driver. Jamie Foxx now plays the old man in the Jazz club.


johndotjohn t1_je89o7z wrote

Turns out Max has a split personality disorder and is Vincent’s twin brother. His real name is Victor Vance (no connection to gta vice city whatsoever!). Now he has to avenge Vincent’s death, only he doesn’t know that his other personality - Max, killed him. There will be internal struggle, talking to mom in the hospital, taxi deep talk, a little bit of car chase during LA rush hour on 405, palm trees, new passengers and more taxi talk, facing inner demons, cocaine, mirror talk scene, crazy fights with Uber drivers in LAX. It’s everything you wanted from a sequel and more, pretty much!


noobaroni t1_je8kvtc wrote

PTSD and mental illness set in after maxs day with vincent. It's been years since that day. The road to recovery has been hard but things are just now getting back to normal. Max picks up a fare, soon to discover he's in for yet another long night. Little did his fare know, max has been training this entire time incase this happened again. Max goes along with it, pretending for the majority of the movie until a switch flips, revealing he's been waiting for this. He's either gonna die tonight, or find out who hired the fare in hopes of stopping whatever they have planned for the evening. Plot twist, the fare is related to vincent, knows max and there is no plan. No one hired him. They just want to meet the man that killed vincent. They surprise each other, reminiscing over moments they shared with vincent. Max is brought to realize how much he's changed since he met vincent. He owns his business, drives limos, is no longer scared to live. Maybe he even dated Jada for a few years until he had enough of her crazy ass. Even in the presence of another hitman, he's no longer scared.

Ultimately the two face off against each other. The fare has to be played by a big actor. I'd love to see someone as huge as tom cruise. Like christain bale? An intense actor that can really chew it up with dialog.


Kuuskat_ t1_je8syav wrote

Michael Mann is my favorite film director of all time, and Collateral may be my favorite movie of all time. So this is one of the cases where i really don't think it's a movie that needs a sequel, but... The idea still sounds cool. And it'd be great if Mann got to do one more huge hit like the good old days.


KaiG1987 t1_je918d1 wrote

Vincent comes back as a revenant?


NemesisRouge t1_jeardl8 wrote

Dye Tom Cruise's hair black and make it a prequel. Always seemed an odd choice to have him be grey haired in the film, finally it makes sense.


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_jeatm9s wrote

Yeah its funny that he now really looks the part, and while I got used to the look, he just seemed way too young to have that greyish look they gave him. (of course people can have grey/silver hair at a young age but it was kinda jarring on Cruise).

A prequel would be the only thing that makes sense.


Smooth_Restaurant832 t1_jebsg3h wrote

A prequel would be sick, it would be cool if they did the story of the previous taxi driver. Tom cruise is getting older and I'm hoping deepfake technology starts taking over instead of the cgi de-aging. There is a man on Instagram named miles fisher that does some pretty sick tom cruise deepfakes, he would be ideal to play the role.


SuperNntendoChlmers OP t1_jebtyn7 wrote

The reason they have to use CGI de aging still is that deep fake technology is not high resolution enough yet for movies, even if they look good on youtube.

The new Indiana Jones movie is supposed to use a special kind of deaging that actually is a mix of A.I. deepfake and CGI using a lot of archive footage of Harrison Ford. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. I can see where it would work well on actors who have been in a lot of movies in their lifetime, so Tom Cruise would definitely be able to take advantage.

That being said, Michael Mann typically keeps everything in camera, but who knows maybe he'll be open minded like Martin Scorsese and try some deaging if he decided to do a prequel to Collateral.


goldcan22 t1_jegfzzr wrote

Maybe max finally becoming A Uber luxury Mercedes Benz driver in L.A.Maybe this time on A thunder🌧️raining day in Los Angeles! this time it’s a female assassin! Either katherine heigl,Uma Thurman,Natalie Portman,Liv Tyler,Dakota Fanning.they need a strong unique villain That is also gonna Change there appearance looks Completely on screen wearing a sharp looking blue or black suit!! Plot wise is a hard 1 to put together. But most importantly they need another Awesome trance night club shootout!