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WickedD365 t1_je12b46 wrote

3 is 30 mins too long, 4 is an hour too long.


dawaxtadpole t1_je0puax wrote

I can understand someone enjoying the world building of the first one and not appreciating the development of said world building in subsequent movies. I liked all of movies and felt that the run times were appropriate. I also feel like it became more comical, and you either dig it or you don’t.


AFlockOfTySegalls t1_je116no wrote

> I also feel like it became more comical

We laughed so many times last night during part four. The scene >!where that dude kept falling into the drum!< was amazing. What I loved about the fourth film is how they just leaned into the insanity. it's the most "John Wick" of the series.

For shits and giggles

  • JW4

  • JW

  • JW2

  • JW3


Edlover203 OP t1_je0riaz wrote

I definitely agree that the action was at a near comical level by the 4th movie 😂. Still had a great time watching it. And it’s not that I didn’t appreciate the development of the world building, I think I just found the world of JW more interesting when everything was still in the dark for the audience and we only caught little glimpses of the world John was apart of, which is the entirety of the first one.


[deleted] t1_je0spt4 wrote



Edlover203 OP t1_je0trub wrote

I’m talking grounded in comparison to the other 3 I was never implying that the action in JW is anywhere near realistic. Also the first one does not have any super insane reality bending action. Obviously fights in real life do not look like a John Wick fight.


TheCosmicFailure t1_je0t6v4 wrote

I disagree. While the first one is brisk. I love the subsequent sequels building of lore. The action scenes are more impressive. The Cinematography is definitely better. Most of the supporting characters are more interesting. Same thing With the villains.

My ranking is

  1. John Wick Part 2

  2. John Wick Part 4

  3. John Wick Part 3

  4. John Wick Part 1


WilsonEnthusiast t1_je0vifr wrote

The setup for the 2nd one isn't all that complex either.

He gave a marker. He has to honor it. He gets betrayed. He gets revenge.

I like it more because it's beautifully shot.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_je0vr5e wrote

You are not alone. I support this wholeheartedly and usually get downvoted for it, but my biggest complaint has been bloat.

JW3 was too long by far. I've used this example before, but my wife fell asleep in the last third of the film, because it just dragged out too much.

JW4 is also too long, but it combats the repetitiveness by changing up the protagonists in fights. Jumping from John to Akira to Caine to the Tracker and so on broke up the lags... for the most part (the nunchuck fight and the staircase fight still went on too long by half).


Fre3Monk t1_je0sejm wrote

My opinion is that John Wick 2 is the best out of the four.

I enjoyed John Wick 4, but I left the theatre yesterday feeling a little underwhelmed with the end of the story.

The action set pieces in JW4 are amazing and set the standard for every action movie that comes out gong forward.

The story though in JW4 just didn’t hit, and the conclusion for John Wick and High Table felt kinda short changed. It final outcome didn’t bother me either….I just can’t put my finger on it exactly why I wasn’t sold on the ending.

Either way fantastic set of movies throughout that stepped it up each and every time.


Edlover203 OP t1_je0t7u5 wrote

%100 agree with your praise and critique of 4 especially the short changing of the High Table.


BjornBeetleBorg t1_je0wn3c wrote

2 lacks the signature scenes that 1 and 3 have


Fre3Monk t1_je0wzv6 wrote

But to me JW2 feels more grounded and has the movie more balanced between the action and the story.


DiscoVolante006 t1_je0zpon wrote

Grounded in what?


Fre3Monk t1_je1093x wrote

Grounded in the story. The expansion of the High Table lore, the rules that go with all of that including the power that they have and the danger that puts John in (the ending of JW2 shows that).

Plus we get to see John use a pencil 😂

It’s just my opinion though.

For me, best to worse JW2, JW1, JW4, JW3.


FlattopMaker t1_je0tpy0 wrote

John Wick films minus 20 minutes that can be tacked on post credits as a gift to fans would hit the sweet spot


virgopunk t1_je0wb5s wrote

Much as I am amazed with the action in the JW franchise, it's pretty weak sauce. I agree with the OP, the first is the best and they get progressively more baroque. The 'lore', such as it is, is just something to pass the time between the action scenes. Having said all that I watched 3 last night and mostly enjoyed it. I do wish they'd have kept it more grounded in the real world tho.


NBAccount t1_je106nh wrote

Really unpopular opinion: I think they should have only made the first movie. As a standalone action flick, it is terrific.

It was much better when the world was mysterious, and I find I have lost interest in the world as they try to build it.

I barely even remember the third film. When I see clips I remember them, but I struggle to remember the actual narrative.

I haven't seen the fourth, and have no plans to do so, but I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid watching it.


tut_ t1_je10gga wrote

There’s a better universe where there will only ever be one John Wick movie. We unfortunately do not live there.


bravetailor t1_je0t3tq wrote

2 is the best, I haven't seen 4 yet.

John Wick always was a comic book concept. The first one tried to play it straight, and was more art-house-y, but I felt like the suit hadn't quite fit yet. 2 turned the franchise more to its pulpy influences--fun but it wasn't completely ridiculous yet. 3 is when it really started to go ham on the lore and backstory, which is great for fanboys who love that stuff, but imo it made a simple, streamlined action franchise more closer to the average mainstream blockbuster.

Also, Halle Berry was just awful in 3
