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dawaxtadpole t1_je0puax wrote

I can understand someone enjoying the world building of the first one and not appreciating the development of said world building in subsequent movies. I liked all of movies and felt that the run times were appropriate. I also feel like it became more comical, and you either dig it or you don’t.


AFlockOfTySegalls t1_je116no wrote

> I also feel like it became more comical

We laughed so many times last night during part four. The scene >!where that dude kept falling into the drum!< was amazing. What I loved about the fourth film is how they just leaned into the insanity. it's the most "John Wick" of the series.

For shits and giggles

  • JW4

  • JW

  • JW2

  • JW3


Edlover203 OP t1_je0riaz wrote

I definitely agree that the action was at a near comical level by the 4th movie 😂. Still had a great time watching it. And it’s not that I didn’t appreciate the development of the world building, I think I just found the world of JW more interesting when everything was still in the dark for the audience and we only caught little glimpses of the world John was apart of, which is the entirety of the first one.