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Intelligent-Age2786 t1_jdyzu1l wrote

Bro took a huge jump from Critters 3, to Gilbert Grape.


fishstock t1_jdz31n1 wrote

The first time I saw him was in Gilbert Grape, I remember thinking it was cool that they had a mentally handicapped actor in the movie.


ArcadePinball t1_jdzg4b7 wrote

Then he was in Titanic, and we thought the same thing again, except he was a talented artist.


BeginningAppeal8599 t1_jdz5ow8 wrote

And from then onwards he was very demanding of directors, maybe that's why he rarely works with some again.


Edelmaan t1_je2x7j2 wrote

Could that be the largest jump from debut film to second film in terms of quality/reception?