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ThomasPEBradyJR t1_jduj12n wrote

I tried so hard to like yellowstone, love kevin costner in some other things. But after getting mid way through season 2 i dont think i can do it anymore. Feels like nothing happens and i find most of the characters annoying. Especially beth dutton.


evilsir t1_jduipsz wrote

Because it's cowboys. Cowboys are pretty cool. I personally find the show 'not great' but AFAIK we really haven't had a western cowboy drama since forever, so it's new


Eternal-Testament t1_jduloc8 wrote

I love Yellowstone. Whole family does. And I actually dislike Kevin Costner quite a bit. He isn't what makes that show for me. It's everyone else and everything else around him to me. Now that being said. The writing has become abysmal starting at season 4 and especially this past season. 5.1. It's season 5. And the un filmed year later episodes season 6. This cut in half season stuff some shows do is ridiculous now. Major plot holes, characters not knowing things they showed us they did know, being ignorant of things it's simply not possible they're ignorant of. Etc. It's like episodes started being written with writers not knowing the continuity of the story thus far. It's weird, and very bad. And yes, Beth is a love her or hate her character. She doesn't grow but dammit is her and her nasty over the top outbursts fun to see.

But there's something almost hypnotic about the culture shown. The cowboy stuff. The stuff that people complain about oddly enough. The 'nothing happening' stuff. They could have a whole show about just the bunkhouse cowboys and their shenanigans and it would be great imho. It's not hokey old timey stuff like Gunsmoke and Bonanza. It's weird but it's like this culture, these landscapes have never been shown in our modern HD visuals outside of nature shows until now. Then these beautiful landscapes and cowboy life is mixed with the mafioso style foul mouthed violent story.

The country music on the show. I mean it's there. For reasons that are essentially that all the local rock radio stations here either shut down or changed content to modern whatever passes as rock is rock. And my old fashioned ass still listens to the radio in the car. It was a choice of moving to the country stations, ear bleeding inducing political AM talk radio, or nothing in the car. Well I landed on country. I can't believe it. I was never a fan. And god help me I kinda like it. But, it isn't the music I hear on Yellowstone. The radio stuff is definitely more pop influenced where the Yellowstone stuff is more what I always recognized as country sounding. But I'm no expert on that subject.


lizzpop2003 t1_jduq329 wrote

Yellowstone is not a movie. r/television is right here.


lowfreq33 t1_jdulfkn wrote

People like the show. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it.


KittysMenopause t1_jduwvul wrote

The TV sub has a huge stick wedged up its backside about Yellowstone. People like it. Get over it.


Positive-Secret8456 OP t1_jduitav wrote

Yes, gone are the days of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly era. It seems fresh to fans.


[deleted] t1_jdupdkb wrote

Yeah The Good, the Bad and the Ugly era was literally the 1960s.


tburtner t1_jdujsox wrote

They like bad dialogue?
