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OneManFreakShow t1_ja8r6m6 wrote

It wouldn’t unify me, a person who doesn’t like EEAAO and thinks that Blanchett’s performance in Tár is legendary. Time will be much kinder to Tár than it will be to Everything Everywhere All At Once. When the self-aware quirkiness that plagues all of Hollywood finally wears off, EEAAO will have nothing to stand on. Michelle Yeoh deserves better than winning for such an obnoxious movie.


Pal__Pacino t1_ja8rgs3 wrote

Okay but Blanchett was way better. No disrespect to Michelle who's a legend.


OneManFreakShow t1_ja8s46u wrote

She’s a much bigger name now, of course she will get more roles and I’m sure they will give her more opportunity to shine. I personally think all of the performances in EEAAO are pretty shallow. What people like about the movie is the screenplay, the characters could have been portrayed by just about anyone and the movie would still be the same. There’s no gravitas that any of the performers add to their roles. Tár, on the other hand, feels deliberately constructed to give Cate Blanchett a career-defining role.


girlatdhaba t1_ja8slj1 wrote

EEAAO is not just a "quirky" movie. For so many of us, it resonated because we felt seen. Ours lives were depicted in one (or multiple) of the universes of EEAAO, our dreams were depicted in EEAAO, our hopes, our aspirations, our relationships, our struggles, our fears. It's one of thos rare pieces of art that is entertaining and deeply moving at the same time. So no, I disagree that the love many of us are showing for EEAAO is just because it's the "quirky in thing"


Small_Government2244 t1_ja8t40d wrote

I can’t imagine tying any significance to a decision from a group who selected Green Book as the picture of the year. But good luck


OneManFreakShow t1_ja8tfgz wrote

I’ve seen this take so many times and I just don’t get it. Maybe if the movie took itself seriously for five minutes I would understand the moments that are apparently deeply emotional, but it doesn’t. The movie just treats everything like a dumb joke and I can’t imagine why any of it would honestly make someone feel “seen” in that way. It has nothing to say that hasn’t been stated by dozens of movies every year.


kasetti t1_ja8twd2 wrote

Havent seen Everything Everywhere All at Once, but everything I have seen her in she has been dreadful. Like she can barely speak English let alone act.

Jackie Chan and Arnie, and mumblers like Stallone and Brando overcame their issues with fluent speaking with a ton of charisma. Michelle doesnt have that charisma.


MrsMaiselsBrisket t1_ja8v4lh wrote

I’m happy with either winning, and I think the SAGs just clinched Yeoh. They both gave career-best performances, though.

Humphrey Bogart is often attributed as saying that acting awards aren’t valid unless everyone plays Hamlet, and if he did say that, I think there’s some truth to it. It gets so hard to compare two high-level performances when they’re very different. In the end, personal preference has to play a big part.

I would have SO much trouble deciding between these two.


Glittering-Ad-6955 t1_ja8v745 wrote

So she should win because of her ethnicity?

I swear i don't understand the almost sickening obsession of american people with this subject.


upanddownhim t1_ja8vi6i wrote

To me this is very reminiscent of the Chadwick Boseman v Anthony Hopkins race a few years ago, albeit under very different circumstances. Cate Blanchett should win and she will win. But that doesn’t mean Michelle Yeoh didn’t give an amazing performance.

I think your argument for unification being the sole reason she should win would really damage the little integrity the academy and these awards have left. MY deserves to be recognized for her brilliant work in that movie and she deserves to serve as an example of positive representation for a few different underrepresented demographics, but she is also imo a clear runner-up in this years race.

Side note, the academy loves a biopic and while i know Tàr is not, it is essentially the same idea.


SushiMage t1_ja8w8xo wrote

> EEAAO will have nothing to stand on

Lol who’s upvoting this dumb take? “Nothing”to stand on. This is how I know you’re not even trying to be a little objective (yes, objectivity exists in art).

I’m saying this as someone who thinks Cate Blanchett should win and also like Tar a hair better than EEAAO, there’s obviously substance and emotional resonance in the film that you’re just flat out not acknowledging which doesn’t make you seem smart, it just makes you seem stubborn and narrowminded.

You overcorrected. OP is obnoxious and incorrect about Tar and you’re exactly like them except in the opposite direction. Also judging from your comment below, I don’t believe you know how blending comedy and drama works. A film can have funny scenes interwoven with scenes with dramatic weight. I’m not sure why you’re failing to reconcile the two considering real life is also rife with these moments and blends.


kasetti t1_ja8whmd wrote

I mean what do you expect with their history with racism? They have always been obsessed with peoples skin color and ethnicity. They dont see what they are doing is racist. They truly think flipping the roles on who is suppressed and who is elevated based on their sex or ethnicity isn't still racist.


Andysullivino t1_ja8wk8f wrote

Can we please stop turning everything into the diversity olympics.

It was a cool, fun, quirky movie, but in no way does her performance outdo Blanchett in Tar.

Can we rather encourage more Asian films to build off of EEAAO(and hopefully have many more future nominees) instead handing it a sympathy vote that no one truly feels satisfied with.


skibidido t1_ja8x14u wrote

It doesn't matter how many Oscars Blanchett has, the best person should win. And skin color shouldn't be a factor.


kasetti t1_ja8xj14 wrote

I didnt claim otherwise, you missed my point. Jackies energy and charisma more than compensate for his issues with the language. Michelle doesnt have the energy nor charisma, let alone his skills at martial arts and stunt work. She isnt the worst at fight or stunts, but she also isnt anything special either.


joeson332 t1_ja8xjpn wrote

The Oscar’s haven’t been a prestige achievement in decades. She will be fine if she doesn’t win that award.


Ok-Survey-9077 t1_ja91xd0 wrote

I mostly agree with what you’re saying, and with the bit about Scorsese, but at this point we can look at the nominees and and know what the best performance is.

Yeoh is great in EEAAO, but Blanchett is better in Tár, which I think most people who have seen both would agree with. Yeoh winning this year would very much be a career Oscar and not truly reflective of the best performance.


SushiMage t1_ja94qar wrote

Lol you literally said she could barely speak english which is patently false especially because she was brought up in an english speaking household. She was born in malaysia then went to school in the uk so you’re obviously talking out of your ass or more concerning, you have a legitimate hearing problem.

And frankly, it’s besides the point. She has actual dramatic acting chops and more range than Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan outclasses her in stuntwork (shocking for a stuntman turned actor) and comedic chops but she is a better dramatic actor in terms of more nuanced expressions and conveying emotion.

Oh and p.s, maybe actually watch the movie? I mean you’re commenting on her acting when the buzz is revolving around a film that you said you haven’t watched. A pretty asinine comment in general.


OneManFreakShow t1_ja9c823 wrote

There is no amount of drama in Everything Everywhere that can undo the inanity of dildo fights and evil bagels. The ‘drama’ is all extremely surface level and obvious, and it’s constantly being derailed by stupid random humor. It has no tonal consistency and it all just falls flat. It isn’t funny, it isn’t clever, and it isn’t emotional. It’s barely a step above the average Marvel movie in terms of cinematic substance. Swiss Army Man felt much more authentic and organic in its weirdness and I think that’s the far superior Daniels movie as a result. Everything Everywhere is just a sequence of random things that happen and there’s no joy in any of it.