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Vulkan192 t1_j9pa5ez wrote

Interesting wardrobe choices on the right there.

Can’t wait to see this movie, even if it’s terrible. Maybe especially if it’s terrible.


ex0thermist t1_j9pceex wrote

Better safe than sorry. She would've been so embarrassed if it turned out to be a black tie event and she had forgotten to leave her titties out.


Zoomalude t1_j9pojd6 wrote

When you invite your friends to a festival and most of them asked what type festival but two of them just assumed "music festival".


RedshiftOnPandy t1_j9piv5w wrote

I'm hoping it's surprisingly fun to watch like Violent Night was


AlanMorlock t1_j9pqg8d wrote

This is the right attitude. I feel like people have kind of forgotten what comedies are.


RedshiftOnPandy t1_j9pxrta wrote

Yeah I'm not expecting a beautifully written story with top notch character development. I'm just hoping for clever dialogue and unexpected jokes for a fun watch, which is what I got from violent night


ringobob t1_j9qw3u9 wrote

I expect silly and shocking to fuck violently and be ashamed the morning after.


orangutanoz t1_j9rh1wh wrote

I’m still okay with my decision to take my son to see Snakes On A Plane in the theatre. Samuel L Jackson even called me personally about it.


lynypixie t1_j9rxmd2 wrote

I miss late 90s/early 2000 cinema. The era of « just basic fun » movies. You can’t joke at anything today, and you need a quota of every minority out there. It’s like a checklist.

There is a reason why there are so many remakes and unoriginal stuff. Studios want safe.


Cavemattt t1_j9pn2cg wrote

Violent night was the worst movie I have ever had the displeasure of watching


TheNerevar89 t1_j9pzy1o wrote

You must watch some outstanding fucking movies and literally nothing else. That or you are the least fun person at a party


Cavemattt t1_j9q3k3i wrote

What was good about it? Not the acting or dialogue or story. Thats for sure. What was good about it? The stuff that referenced other movies


rizgutgak t1_j9qqlb2 wrote

No one can say you don't know adversity


Zoomalude t1_j9po0yl wrote

Early buzz is it is as fun as it looks. 🤞


ringobob t1_j9qvm9u wrote

My daughter (freshman in HS) is seeing it with her friends this weekend. I might see if I can tag along, sit somewhere else in the theater. Hell, I might do that and just not tell her.


Fastlanedrivr t1_j9r3kk7 wrote

Isn’t it rated R so you should do that anyway? Am I missing something?


ringobob t1_j9r5eq5 wrote

I've seen the trailers, I remember the movies I was watching at that age, I've gone looking for any information about the content of this movie to make sure I'm not missing anything, and we've shown our kids select R rated movies before now (Matrix, , etc), I feel pretty comfortable with letting her go on her own.

Maybe that's a mistake, but I'm comfortable with that, too, I don't expect my decision making to be perfect, but I've done my best.


Fastlanedrivr t1_j9rfkyw wrote

I’m not against ppl under 18 seeing R movies I just meant logistically, the theater should be enforcing that rule. Didn’t meant to insult or imply anything, apologize if it came off that way. I saw plenty of R rated movies before I was 18 as well I’m sure it’s appropriate it’s not an overly violent movie from the looks of it.


ringobob t1_j9ri4h5 wrote

I think they have an adult lined up, I spoke with my daughter about it after making the comment and she asked if I'd be willing to be the adult, so I'm not sure the previous plan is solid. I said yes so long as the other parents are on board, so I may wind up being the adult in the room, we'll see.