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LoveEffective1349 t1_ja9qaot wrote

amazing film. not my personal GOAT, but right up there.


avidrunner84 t1_ja9sh2h wrote

The 90's had some good ones. What is yours?


LoveEffective1349 t1_ja9uhgn wrote


Young Renegade Untested Spielberg

The production issues forced him to take crazy chances and make amazing choices on how to tell the story ,leading to some of the finest blocking and shooting I have ever seen.

Awesome cast, great performances, amazing settings and scenery, the Orca is an awesome set.

great pacing great laughs great screams... it has everything. and by the time the shark shows up you are so invested it doesn't matter that it's "old timey" mechanical effects don't matter. you already have bought in.


Davedoenotmoe t1_ja9yc9a wrote

Really hope they never remake jaws. Despite the dated effects, there's something about that film that can never be duplicated.


[deleted] OP t1_ja9uq4o wrote



LGP747 t1_ja9v94q wrote

My mom didn’t let me see Jurassic park in theatres, she might’ve been right cause the kitchen raptors woulda done a number on my psyche at the time but still I missed a moment