Submitted by jcgonzmo t3_11df6ig in movies

So I have watched the movie twice now. The first time, I watched it with my wife in bed at night. My wife fell asleep after a while an I actually was falling sleep and waking up around the police fight with Jobu Tupaki. I decided to wait a couple of months to properly rewatch the movie in my movie room: Sitting down, oled screen and surround sound. So I started re watching the movie this Saturday, an I was enjoying it a lot (says a lot about the quality of the acting and the story that I was able to re watch it). However, I realized a little bit past the mid point of the movie, where the main character become kind of like a god, that I actually laid down on the couch and felt a little bit sleepy. Now the first time I felt sleep its one me, but a second time? There is something with the pacing of the movie. This actually surprised me. I am a guy that watched the full 2:15 minutes of Terrifier 2 back on October, and thought the movie was perfectly paced and never felt sleepy. What do you guys think?



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Waste-Replacement232 t1_ja87gy3 wrote

I thought the pacing was awful, but I didn’t like the movie so I’m biased.


20124eva t1_ja88imx wrote

Great movie, by no means perfect, a fun story, and Michelle Yeoh's performance was some of the best acting I've ever seen in a film. If it wins best picture i wouldn't be mad, if she doesn't win best actress, it's a total sham.


7loUge t1_ja88osv wrote

Both times are on you. A person may not find a movie engaging, but sleepiness is not caused by a movie. Just the way you describe the movie sounds like it didn't offer much to you, which is fine. Also, 2nd acts are notoriously difficult to pace being bookended by the 1st and 3rd acts.

In this particular movie, there are a lot of character arcs so a lot to accomplish and cram in there. For what it was doing, I thought the pacing was excellent.


GMW-5610 t1_ja88paw wrote

Movie is by no means a masterpiece but yeah, they could have shaved off some minutes.


Plane_Issue t1_ja8998w wrote

Its ok to not like a movie. Plain and simple.


TopGunWonTon t1_ja89nfo wrote

I watch almost every theatrical release and EEAAO and Nope were the 2 I probably hated the most


Stacy_Ann_ t1_ja8a641 wrote

I thought the pacing was way off, especially at the end, I agree.


AloneCan9661 t1_ja8a7uf wrote

I honestly think the entire movie is overrated. It’s got a good story, execution was ok but people are treating it like the second coming or something.


njdevils901 t1_ja8b1dk wrote

Yes, and I think it feels way longer than it should. I know everyone loves this movie, but I genuinely think you trim 20-30 minutes off of it , I would probably love it not just like it. Pacing is a big part of how much a movie can work, and the pacing in this was too stretched and not as tight as it should have been


njdevils901 t1_ja8b61o wrote

Yeah I wasn't a big fan either, to me it felt like a bunch of better movies crammed into one. I did find it ironic they were clearly inspired by Stephen Chow movies, and then right after I watched All For the Winner (1990) and found myself laughing hysterically and enjoying that much more


lucia-pacciola t1_ja8cct4 wrote

Every complaint you can make about this movie can also be made about Dark City.


OnlyMamaKnows t1_ja8dkhi wrote

Dunno, but Terrifier 2 as your first comp is an odd choice. Did you see exactly 2 movies in the past year?


Other-Marketing-6167 t1_ja8f6tn wrote

My fave flick in a couple years but yes, it could’ve been trimmed down a bit.


Throwaway_Codex t1_ja8hnyn wrote

Terribly paced movie. It doesn't deserve any of the recognition it is receiving.


johntwoods t1_ja8hr9u wrote

Sounds mostly like you just need to get more sleep in general.


phatmatt593 t1_ja8hrso wrote

That movie was weird as shit. That said, I love weird. Although I’m still unsure how it got so many awards.

I agree the pacing was weird, but I truly appreciate it when moviemakers try to go outside the box. I’m not saying they necessarily did it correctly, but I do think there needs to be more movies that don’t fit these ingrained formulas. And I did enjoy it.


RaylanCrowder2 t1_ja8n26u wrote

Second act was good imo, it's actually the third act where the film started to lose me, and jokes that were really funny early on started getting repetitive. Felt at least 20-30 minutes too long and the action towards the end became less and less engaging


SaltySteveD87 t1_ja8ntgx wrote

It absolutely drags toward the end; a good 15-20 minutes could be shaved off with no noticeable difference.


ImaginationDoctor t1_ja928ce wrote

Yeah, I agree.

The movie is so beloved, but I think it dragged.

Yes, the story and concept was very cool. I just felt it was too long.


apurpleglittergalaxy t1_ja94fju wrote

I'm one of the rare people who was bored by it lol it felt way too over the place at times


PugnaciousPangolin t1_ja95bi4 wrote

I liked it but didn't love it. A friend of mine LOVED it and bought the Blu-Ray, so I'm planning to watch it again in a few months.

I think the film could have had 20 or 30 minutes cut out and it would have been much better.

I could see what they were going for with the mother/father/daughter dynamic and all the multiverse possibilities, but for me, I felt like the film spend to much time on the multiverse ideas and not enough on the family history and fraught relationships.

At the end, I didn't get much of an emotional reaction because I didn't feel like that had been earned because the family story was drowned out by the frenetic action and comic silliness.

I'll be curious to see if my opinion changes.


phatpussygyal t1_ja9f5tb wrote

I think this movie was incredibly different from anything else (relatively mainstream) that was out at the time. So that explains everyone’s description of it being a “masterpiece” bc we hadn’t seen anything at that level creatively in a while.


jjochems78 t1_ja9fjxw wrote

The pacing is what made this movie unwatchable for me. It was just relentless and exhausting. I really needed it to take a break for just a second for my mind to catch up but it never ever did. I felt like I was bingeing meth the whole time.


-A_A_A_A_A_A- t1_ja9qjcs wrote

Agree. Fell asleep. Fun movie but couldn’t get through it in one sitting.


umaniaxublewitup t1_jaa89ql wrote

I felt the pacing was off as well as it being too long. Kind of dragged on for me.


slothery22 t1_jaao4x3 wrote

I felt the same way but only because it was too much action for me and overall long. So after those action scenes kinda stopped I got back into it.