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KellyKellogs OP t1_jaevsnt wrote

For Charlie Babbit:

It was several days of being a vile human being to his brother without any compassion. He didn't just treat his brother like an animal, he spent most of the film berating and bullying him too. I can imagine someone doing that for a moment, maybe even a day, but to look your brother in the eyes and refuse to see his humanity for days on end, that is an irredeemable character flaw.

It was also the language used. If someone used that kind of language to insult to a non-disabled person, I'd tell them to stfu. If someone talked to a disabled person like that, you don't wanna know what people would do to them where I'm from. To use that kind of language is inexcusable and an indicator about his character, not his emotions.

Watching someone treat a disabled person like shit for 1.5 hours and even after their moment of connection was deeply upsetting. I used hyperbole, I don't want to torture him, but I do want to beat him up.

For the suggestion, thanks. If a character is presented as a cunt at the beginning I'll pause the film and try and find a way to connect with them.